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Sidenote: Dialogues, the letter and other writings are supposed to be all in korean. For a better understanding, I wrote the whole story in english. But also because my korean isn't at an level for these kinds of writing yet. So please keep this in mind. Thank you!


Summer was around the corner. The mornings became warmer, the evenings longer. Trees changed from majestic pink and white blooming colors into lushes green leaves.

Everyone was sitting outside. Sunbathing, having a picnic, staring at laptop screens, walking while listening to music. Or just hiding in the shades under a tree reading the newest romance novel. Chatter filled the campus and everyone was busy with their lifes.

A loud clunk filled the room while a huge box was placed on the counter. More loud noises followed not too long after and you could hear a very angry and annoyed groan in the background.

The door lashed open. A rather exhausted looking young woman stood in the door frame, trying to catch her breath, still holding onto the doorknob.

"How many times do I have to tell you, not to have them send your mail to our office? We're not your personal post service, we-" – "We are the students council office and we only accept packages, when you haven't settled into your dorm and/or haven't found housing yet. Please use the university mail service, to have packages delivered to your dorm.", the young woman recited the rules. "Please keep that in mind next ti-", a loud scream interrupted the speech. The young woman screamed in excitement, after she had opened one of the cardboard boxes to take a look inside. "Do you know how long I had to wait for these?", she asked while holding up a sealed CD with a huge smile on her face, not expecting an answer.

"Hannah? Hannah!" – "Thank you so so much but I have to go now. Sorry!", with the box, she made her way slowly out of the door, around the corner and she was gone. Two other girls entered the room, grabbed one box each and also left the room. The other student observed the whole thing and was left in utter disbelief, of what just happened.

Yet another loud clunk rung through the room and three heavy cardboard boxes were placed on a table. "Now, let's get to work, shall we?", Hannah announced to the others and they all nodded in agreement.

After a few hours, multiple towers of stacked up CDs have taken up the whole surface area of the huge table in the room. Everyone started repackaging everything into a lot of smaller individual packages.

At the post office the girls dropped off all the packages they've packed before. The officers already knew them by now. Hannah's friends already left the office and she stayed behind to talk to one of the officers. He was an old man who looked like he was about to retire soon. "Thank you so much as always for helping us.", Hannah told him and put another box on the counter. "I put a box together of all the things we've got sent from everyone overseas for you and your family." – "Oh Hannah, you really didn't have to do this. You know this is my job and you guys always make me have so much fun on my job in my old days." – "I'll leave it here. I also included some gifts for your granddaughter's birthday. I hope she'll like it." – "Oh Hannah." – "Thank you so much again. Always taking your time with the amount of our packages. I have to leave now. I am in a bit of a rush." – "Go hurry. I don't want to take up your time.", he said in a very sweet voice.

You could already hear the chatter from far away. It was the next day. More and more people were lining up outside. After spending some time together with the band, it was time to line up again. "The things, we do as fans." – "Right? I feel like the only thing we've been doing today is lining up.", they all started laughing. Meanwhile Hannah was waiting for her time. She's been to these events so many times already, that it became second nature to her.

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