End of Book/Year Questions

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Before I get to posting book two, there are a few things I would love your opinion on. 

1. Year

I originally planned for book two to cover year two, and so on and so forth. But as some of you know, if you read some of my other Potter books, that I don't always do it that way. I have skipped some in the past. The next Avengers (MCU) event isn't until between the end of three and the beginning of four. 

The most important thing to happen to Pixie in year two will be the loss of Kaa and the finding of Loki at Christmas. 

Year three is probably the first most important to come for Pixie and her family, because of Tatiana and Sirius' past relationship and their future one. 

I can do year two if you guys want to see it done. I have no issue doing it. But I thought I would offer the skip just in case. 

2. Pixie

Anything you would change or take out, say now, so I can alter anything that needs to be altered. 

3. Anything else. 

Just offer anything else you want to see or change. Stick to changes in Chamber of Secrets or Prisoner of Azkaban for now. I'll put the same question up at the end of the next book, so you guys can add anything for beyond that. 

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