Sweet Dreams and Beautiful Nightmares (1)

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ok this is my first Wattpad story and im kinda nervous so plz let me know what you think.


I sat on my balcony staring at the ground down below. It was 3 AM on a Saturday morning. This was the second time this week i had been up this early. Every time i close my eyes I see the same thing.

Im running and running and it feels like i've been running for hours. Im in a forest that lookks familiar. I try to look around but i ebd up falling over a rock. Quickily i scramble to get back on my feet. Cause if they catch me, it'll be the end of me for sure. Suddenly, i reach a river and i stop. It doesn't look deep but it doesn't look all that shallow either. I can hear them whispering. I don't have the luxury of time so i jump in. I make it to the other side and hide behind a tree. Who's trunk is just wide enough to conceal me. I hear a man say, "Stop! Joriah i know your out there i can smell you. This game is useless. You can't run forever. We will find you." The man's voice is rough. It sounds like he is in desperate need to cough. Shakely, i release a breath. i inhale through my nose and that's when the smell hits me. Its sickly sweet. Like a floral store with excessive amounts of products. I start choking on the scent so i cover my nose. I take a deep breath through my mouth and realize the smell is gone. Leaning on the tree i pull myself up. then i notice another smell. This one is natural, woodsy. It smells like trees and forest. The scent is absolutely intoxicating. I look up and don't see anything, but i feel something. I turn and see a giant wolf. His eyes are a beautiful color. They're like a bright green like the color of leaves, but with a tint of sky blue aroun the pupil. As he comes closer a weird sense of calm settles over me. It's like i know i can trust him to keep me safe. I slide down the tree trunk and lifted up my hand towards him. He came towards me and put his head in my hand. Then sat up and reached out his paw, The moment we touched it was like a million fireworks went of at once.*dream end*

My eyes popped open as i felt a raindrop hit my arm. I looked up and realized that it had begun raining. Sighing, i walked back into my room. Knowing that i wouldn't be able to go back to sleep i hopped into the shower. I stayed in the shower for 30 minutes. When i stepped out i stopped in front of the mirror. I stared at my deep brown eyes. Sometimes they looked almost black and other times they looked golden, i had a little blue band around the pupil. My skin was a a caramel color and was still damp from the shower. i ran a hand through my hair and smiled when i felt how soft it was. It was a dark, dark brown almost black. It reached a few inches below my shoulder blade. It was thick and naturaly wavy. I usually straightened it but now I didn't really feel like it. I loved the fact that my mom was African and Native American and that my dad was Puerto Rican. It made pretty children. I walked out of my bathroom and into my bed room. I ran to my walk-in closet and grabbed the outfit i had picked out the night before. Of course i couldn't find it so i had to out on something totally different. When i was finished i ended up with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans a black tank top and a blue aeropostle shirt to go over it. By Now It was 6'o'clock. Quicly i walked over to my bed and started to pull my towell off. Then i heard the creak of my door. I turned aroud to see a guy walking in. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh!," i screamed. His head turned towards me and his eyes widened. He turned around and faced the door. I heard him start talking, "Oh my God, i am so sorry i had no idea someone was in here. I was looking for Rick's room." "Who are you?!," i yelled. Why is there a strange dude walikin round in my house looking for my uncle. I heard him take in a breath before he said, "I'm Aaron. I'm Rick's friend Charlie's, son." I nodded and said, "Rick's room is down the hall on the left." Aaron walked out of the door and i flopped back on my bed. Thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't have seen what i though i had seen. Could i? I mean it wasn't possible, but it wasn't exactly impossible. I sat up and put my hand over my heart. As i closed my eyes i saw it again. Aaron had the eyes of my dream wolf

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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