He's alive!?

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Mike's P.O.V

I pace around the living room confused, trying to unravel and understand what Drake just told me.

"Okay so let me get this straight. Springtrap is alive?"

"Yes, like I've been trying to tell you the entire car ride home."

"You've got to be kidding me. This has to be some prank right? I swear if it is I'll-"

Drake cuts me off and holds me by my shoulders staring into my eyes and giving a reassuring smile, which calms me down a bit.

"Mike, darling, it's not a prank. Spring's alive, he really is."

"But, I saw the building collapse as we left."

"Look, I'm just as curious and confused as to how Springtrap survived as you are. Even he doesn't know how he's alive. But it's not worth losing brain cells over at eight forty five in the evening."

He kisses my forehead and moves his hands down to hold mine. He squeezed them a bit, their warmth making me feel better.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks.

"I could go for some lasagna right now." I reply.

"Alright, lasagna, coming right up."

With that, Drake spends the next hour and a half preparing the meal. Normally I'd help him with dinner, but he said that I should just relax on the couch and let him make it tonight. He as the smell of the lasagna cooking in the oven makes my taste buds water. Then I'm called to the kitchen to get my slice. Drake and I the. Sit at the table, chatting while we eat.

"How's the lasagna?" Drake asks.

"It's delicious hun, as always." I reply, taking another medium sized bite. He looks at me with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Heh, I thought so." He says proudly.

"I can still make a better lasagna though." I say cheekily.

"Oh? Is that so Mr Bailey?" Drake replies. I look at him, surprised that he remembers my last name. We both burst out laughing.

"So, what did Springtrap say to you when you saw him again?" I asked.

"Well, he was just so happy to see me, and vice versa. But we couldn't talk for too long though." He replies taking another bite of lasagna.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Well, he's apparently a part of the attraction now, so he pretty much works there for free. People walk in, he scares them. Plus, he said he enjoyed it, so it's a win-win." Drake says casually.

"Huh. But, does that mean that we can still visit him though?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. The security there is a lot better than the old pizzaria back in 2019. Unless we actually go in during work hours, it would be hard to stop by and say hi." He says.

"Hmmm, you're right about that. But that means that we'll just have to be sneaky about it." I say winking at him. He laughs before looking down at his plate.

"You know, there hasn't been a day since the fire that I haven thought about him. Memories would always play in my head on repeat. And now that I know he's alive..." He says trailing off mid sentence. I hold his hand from across the table and smile at him.

"We should get to bed. It's getting late." I say.

"Maybe after a movie?" Drake says.

"Okay, but only one." I say. With that I take our plates to the sink while Drake puts on a movie for the two of us to watch, that movie being The In-Between. After I wash them and put them back in the cupboard, I join Drake on the couch. But Drake ends up falling asleep halfway through the movie.

"Oh my god Drake." I mutter, looking down at the sleeping man on my shoulder. I grab the remote and turn off the TV before carrying Drake to bed. I take a look at his clothes, which causes a bit of concern.

'He's gonna overheat.' I think to myself. I then take off all his heavy clothes, leaving his shirt and boxers, before covering him with the blanket. I take off my clothes and crawl into the covers with him. Seconds after I do I feel his arms wrapping around me.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I woke up the moment you took my pants and jacket off."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

With that I give him a kiss on the forehead and turn to face the wall.

"Goodnight Mike." Drake mutters, hugging me from behind.

"Goodnight Drake." I say,closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep.

- - -

I wake up to a loud knock on the door. I sit up sleepily and put on a bath robe before walking to the door. I open it and find Milly standing there with a newspaper in he hand. She smirks at me.

"Morning Mills." I say sleepily.

"Let me guess, your husband is still asleep. Isn't he?" She asks cheekily.

"Oh come on Milly, I told you Drake is not my husband...yet." I say. "But yeah, he's still sleeping."

"Okay. Well, here's your paper." She says handing it to me.

"Cool, just let me get your payment-" I start before she cuts me off.

"No need. You know your papers are free of charge." She says.

"Y'know Mills, you can't keep giving me and Drake newspapers for free. We'll have to pay at some point." I say. She rolls her eyes playfully.

"Oh please, Mike. After everything you and Drake have done for me and my family, this is the least I can do." She smiles.

"Hmmm, you have a point there." I say thoughtfully.

"Besides, I get more than enough from the other people in this building." She shrugs.

"You really are a cheeky little eleven year old aren't ya?" I chuckle.

"You know it." She says walking back to her apartment. I smile and close the door before taking a look at the headlines. And as I do, my jaw drops and I read it over, with wide eyes.



Hello, it's me again. It may have only been like five days since I last uploaded, it feels like I haven't written a new chapter for this in two weeks. Probably cuz of the Easter weekend. Also, I've been working on some other books that I've been planning on publishing for a while. They should be out later today, and I would really appreciate it of you check them out. But that doesn't mean I won't update on Springlocked anymore. I just wanna branch out a bit. But anyway, that's it for today, I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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