Science trio headcannons

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Because I can also yeah I kinda do ship this
(It's jayce x viktor x sky btw)
(I really now wish this happened)
And no I hadn't proofread

•sky always had a huge crush on viktor but viktor was actually obvious

•viktor fell in love with jayce and they got together a bit after they stabilised hextech (totally not basing that one off something)

•sky became very bitter and rude towards jayce and when he realised that she liked his boyfriend they had this little rivalry for viktors attention

•one while arguing they got stuck in a situation where they were trapped in a small space and they realised 'oh fuck I kind of like them but I like viktor aswell'

•they agreed not to act on the feelings but jayc had an idea

•jayce begun to make viktor notice sky more and then one day he invited sky along to a dinner with him and viktor

•they all had a heart to heart and now it's a lovely 3-way relationship and they all just love each other equally and it's adorable

•jayce and sky always have to help viktor to help himself

•jayce just has a bisexual panic when he sees them both smile

•viktor sometimes feels inadequate because he is more reserved but they both reassure him that they do love him for who he is

•sky always makes them usually latte blends so she can do the foam art and it's always little hearts and stuff

•hiemerdinger was the first to find out because he saw viktor kiss sky in the hallway and then when he went into the lab kiss jayce so he thought viktor was a cheater but then as he went to go tell sky and all sky did was laugh and explain to him

•hiemerdinger gossips about them (all good things not bad to things) to ekko

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