The four founders

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  Million years ago it was said that the earth was controlled by four mighty beasts. They were no human. Being blessed with long bodies like snakes, wings strong and beautiful like birds and lazor sharp claws. Four legs strong as the horse's ones, tall as the mightiest giants and proud like peacock. Being able to control darkness, light, life and death they together kept the peace in universe. Each living in their own world, having their worshippers and other creatures that obeyed them.
It was said that they existed centuries before the first human was born, before the earth itself was created. Slowly, they created the universe and gave everything life. That's how they filled the earth with animals and flora.

They were so proud of their work that they decided to give another life. Someone who would take care of everything they did. Knowing that giving all the control and power to one being would be stupid and risky, they decided to split the universe into four different dimensions. One was called Nether, which was a land covered in lave with red and black colours dominating. The creatures were dangerous, unique and each was different. One could poison or weaken if provoked, another could shot fire and many more. This was controlled by a creature that was born in hell and raised to be a mighty protector and ruler. It was named a Whither, having three heads and tail. With ability to fly and shot with deadly effects, it was said to be one of the four bosses. It reflected the creature of Death.
The second one was called Heaven. Where everything good was raised and protected, among Puffy clouds and Land's never seen before. White and light blue colour seemed to be infinite, making everything look peaceful and calm. Creatures living there were given a pair of beautiful and white wings, sometimes being called angels. They appeared to be beautiful, smart and powerful but never more powerful than their creators. Heaven was ruled by a God who's powers allowed him to create more peaceful creatures and tell them what to do. It reflected the creature of Light.
The third one was called Overworld, where lands were covered by fresh grass and pools of water, along with animals that could produce food and other materials. Soon, this grounds were claimed by creatures called humans and familiar to them, hybrids. They were one of the smartest being ever created by the four Beasts, having an ability to think and evolute. The earth slowly changed, being controlled by humans and their ideas. Overworld was ruled by a King who protected people and their lands. It reflected the creature of Life.
And the last one was called End. There was a land made of sand hovering above a deep and dark void. Many mysterious buildings were raised toward the empty sky, civilization slowly emerging in the endless void. Tall and black creatures soon claimed it as their own home, feeding on the purple fruits that gave them abilities to teleport and be taller than average human. Hating eye contact they stayed in the void, leaving alone and in peace. They traveled between the islands that were created in the end, slowly moving and changing it's position. It was ruled by a dragon, who was given the power to shot dangerous energy. It reflected the creature of Darkness.

The founders, as some called the creatures who gave everything a meaning and life, were soon titled as Dragons. Not like the dragon protecting the End, but as much stronger, smarter and better dragons.
They were seen as intelligent, old and beautiful creatures. They were smarter that anyone else, including a human. Being alive for many centuries gave them the knowledge that no one would ever have. They saw many things, falls and raises of the worlds.

But with time they were simply forgotten, whipped off of the existence. People soon started creating their own theories and God like creatures who were said to start it all.
There was many cultures created, people started parting and choosing whichever part they preferred.
The four founders feared the worst. They feared that their beloved human beings would start to fall apart and that things would lead to bad consequences. And as they thought, it did now end well for anyone. They started killing each other, slaughtering animals and burning the Overworld so only ashes were left. The God who was supposed to protect the Overworld was way too weak to be able to take control of the growing chaos. And as people stopped believing in the said God, he started losing his strength and soon there was only a legend left about him.

One of the dimensions was control by total chaos with people who started creating their own Kingdoms and slaughtering each other on battle fields. The peace was long gone and the dimension was close to falling down due to the damage that was caused and all the madness that emerged from the previously peaceful creatures.

Till one day a new Emperor appeared. He was the one who brought the wars and destruction. He murdered thousands of thousands his own species and lead to even more horrible chaos. He claimed most of the territory as his own, killing everyone who stood on his way for the crown. People feared him almost as much as the old god, deciding to step back and let the terrible man rule the lands. The tyranny started, war after war and damage after damage.
The four founders were filled with rage, seeing as a mare man claimed every piece of land as his own. And if that wasn't enough, he found his way to travel to the other dimensions.
Weeks after weeks he claimed Nether as his territory and after months of struggling with the Ender dragon, he claimed End as his territory as well. Heaven was the only thing that was out of his reach, being invisible for human eye.

So the founders decided to create a beings almost as strong and smart as them. Giving it a piece of their souls and lending it some of their powers they quickly realized that what they created could either bring infinite peace or the greatest chaos and destruction. Trusting their choices they send their creation down on the earth and hoped that they did the right thing.
The creation was supposed to learn it's own powers and it's limits, before going to fullfil it's destiny. There were thousands of them at first, some weaker and some stronger. They were the same yet with different abilities. They stayed as one till the end, fighting on each other's side till the last drop of their blood stained the green grass.

But when time came, people desired their strength and magic. They started killing them and their families, soon leaving only a couple that hid deep underground and never left the shadows to see the light again. And they were said to be long gone, expect for one. Maybe not the strongest, but quickest and most sly. They were fast both in the sky and on the ground, they didn't maintain their abilities to the fullest but it always took time.

And it was said that the world would tremble under the creation's great power and strength. But first, it had to learn.

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