Bad Reception

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She had only known Joe a couple of weeks. He had called her out of the blue on a quiet Saturday afternoon. While she knew who he was thanks to her ex-husband and news reports, she was surprised by his call. She reluctantly cancelled her planned date and went out with him. Much to her surprise she was immediately attracted to him— not so much for the way he dressed, but for his charm and sense of humor. He was a gentleman—all the things the guys she had been dating were not. When he kissed her on their second date she knew there was no turning back. It wasn't just an ordinary kiss; she felt an instant connection and wanted more. She played it cool mainly because she was scared to death. Scared of dating a United States Senator. Scared of dating a man with kids. Scared of getting her heartbroken again.

They had seen each other for ten straight days. They had bonded over their mutual love for their families, sports, and books. They went to the movies, went bowling, and played cards. They had fun together and that was all she was looking for. She wasn't ready for a serious relationship—in fact she wasn't sure if she ever would be.

She felt like such a failure after her marriage ended. But something about Joe was different— he seemed to genuinely care about her and her interests.

She had invited Joe to her apartment for dinner and to watch a Delaware basketball game. She cooked chicken parmesan and spaghetti from her grandmother's recipe. Joe acted as though he was a starving man. He went back for seconds and declared to her this was the best meal he had ever put in his mouth.

Unfortunately, the reception on Jill's television was horrible. Despite constant attempts to adjust the antenna the game was barely visible. Jill knew that the reception was better on the new television in her bedroom, but she was worried that Joe might get the wrong idea.

"Why don't we try my other TV and see if the reception is any better."

Joe looked at her confused. "Okay babe lead the way. I've tried everything I know on this one."

Jill walked toward her bedroom and Joe followed. She flipped the TV on and turned the knob to the channel carrying the University of Delaware basketball game. Sure enough the game was much clearer. Jill laid back against the stack of blue and white pillows on her bed. Joe remained standing and looked uncomfortable.

"Joe, make yourself comfortable, relax, and watch the game." Jill prodded him.

Joe laid down against the pillows. He took Jill's hand and gently caressed it as they watched. As the game progressed, Joe pulled Jill closer to him. Her head rested comfortably on his shoulder. After halftime, the game became a blowout. The Blue Hens had a 20 point lead and Joe's focus shifted to Jill, no longer caring about the game. He placed featherlight kisses on the top of her head. Slowly making his way down to her lips. She looked up and smiled at him. God—the way he made her feel. His lips continued to work their magic as his hand slid under her shirt. He swiftly unhooked her bra with one-hand. Damn— Jill thought to herself. He must have had a lot of practice to be that quick. She let his hands have the freedom to roam all over. At the same time their kisses were becoming more and more heated. Soon she felt his hand move along her side and gently caress the edge of her breast. His fingers teased her until he reached his intended target. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Jill squirmed under his touch as a moan escaped her lips. She knew she was on the verge of being too far gone to stop him.

Jill pulled back and made herself say the one thing she didn't want to say. "I don't think this is a good idea." She held her breath and waited for him to release her, waited for the fog to clear from his mind, and waited for him to agree. She was shocked when he smiled down at her—and shook his head.

Joe looked at Jill. "Really, because I think it is a wonderful idea."

She cried out as Joe buried himself inside of her. His fingers gripped hers and pressed harder into the pillow as he began to move, slowly at first, joining her in a steady rhythm. Her muscles tensing, her breath stopping, as he teased her. She reveled in the honesty of their lovemaking as sweat slid down his forehead and her nails dug deep into his back until she exploded. She had not felt pleasure like this— ever. She heard him cry out as he joined her, and in that moment they were one. He rolled over so she laid on top of him, her cheek against his hairy chest, her hair spilling over her face, her arms wrapped around his waist. She enjoyed the peaceful feeling while in his embrace. She fell asleep as he held her tightly. 

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