Small advanture in the school

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So we all got normal again and the size ray registred me normal again.
Amelia: Ok I have another idea:
Today only one will be normal the others shrink to a half feet.
Lilly: Ok let's do that.
Amelia: Ok let's play hide and seek. We have enough time so go on.
The rules:
First I'll search
Than Lilly
Than Yuki
Than Cheiki
Jack: What about me?
Amelia: You don't have to. You're a bad seeker.
Jack: You're right.
Amelia: Ok let's go you all shrinked now to a half feet. Go hide somwhere in the house.
If I find someone I can step on them too btw.
So I hid in Yukis socks because Yukis socks are too small for Amelias. Yuki has the foot size 30 and Amelia has 42.
Lilly hid in Cheikis panties.
Cheiki hid in Lillys socks.
And Yuki hid in Amelias shoes.
So Amelia found Yuki first.
Amelia: Oh someone was in my shoe? Oh Yuki? Well too bad ready to get stepped?
Yuki: Just do it.
Amelia: Ok.
Amelia stepped on her hardly.
Amelia found Cheiki next and as Amelia stepped on Cheiki Lilly quickly ran into Yukis socks too. I was in the left one and Lilly was in the right one.
Yuki: Ok search them I'll put on my socks.
Jack: Lilly! Get out she's wearing her socks!
Lilly got out but I was right under her feet.
Yuki: Oooohhhh Amelia I found someone.
Amelia: Good show him.
Yuki: In my socks.
Amelia: Aha Jack! You can step on him you deserved it.
Yuki: Ok thanks.
Amelia: Aha Lilly is right about to climb in your butt Yuki watch out!
So we played some hide and seek and Amelia won.
Amelia: Now everyone shrink!
We all shrunk and hid inside her schoolbag. She arrived at school and when it was lunch time she picked us up.
Amelia: I'll let you guys go do what you want and come back at 12:00 in the girls bathroom.
Everyone: Ok!
We jumped of and went to the pool. Everyone had lessons so we were alone.
Lilly: Cheiki Jack Yuki let's have some fun! Yupieeee!!
I jumped in the pool as my face touched someones stincky feet. It was Lillys. I shrunk a bit.
Jack: Lilly! I'm a toe tall now!
Lilly: I'm sorry!
We swam a bit and I even think the girls forgot that I was here too.
Cheiki: Lilly c'mon I'm gonna catch you. Just jump out of the water!
Lilly: Ok I'll trust you.
Lilly just jumped down from the bottom of the water and Cheiki jumped on me to lift Lilly.
Cheiki: Aahhhh nice.
Lilly: Yeah nice catch.
Yuki: Mmhhh guys?
Cheiki: What's up?
Yuki: I can feel something between my buttcheecks.
Lilly: What is it?
Yuki: I don't know. Can someone look?
Cheiki: Yes Jacj could. But where is he?
Jack: Right under Lillys butt!
Lilly: Oh Onii-chan I didn't saw you.
Jack: No problem. So what's the thing you feel.
Yuki: It feels like a really small human.
Jack: Well I can't see anything. Wait there's something. Uaahhh!
Lilly: Onii-chan!
Cheiki: Jack!
Yuki: Ughhh something went inside.
???: Let me out or I'll shrink him to nothing!
Lilly: Who are you?
Rici: I'm Rici. I'm 14 years old and shrunk cause I'm to big for a girl.
Cheiki: How big are you?
Rici: 2,09
Yuki: What?!! How'd you shrink that small?
Rici: Well some girls were fighting over that gun and shoot at me while I came here. I am now comfortable at my size but still: Every girl steps on me. People drop stuff at me. I slip into girls's asses. I am forced to get in her stomach blablabla! I had enough. I will steal his height and grow back to normal!
Jack: Wait a minute you cold just ask us to make you big again.
Rici: Yeah I could if I weren't 7 days in this small girls vagina! I've been here so long I can tell that she's shrinking every day.
Yuki: Yes she's right I feel myself still shrinking every day.
Jack: Really? How?
Rici: I don't know but I hate it to be small. Now let me out or....
Yuki: Wait it's already 12:00?!
Lilly: Oh no we're late. If we get to late than-
Than I fellt Yukis vagina getting untight.
Yuki: Ughh we're growing again.
Jack: Why don't I grow?
Lilly: I don't know but please Rici let Jack go. We have to hurry before we get normal. We can get caught!
Rici: Only if you make me big again.
Cheiki: Ok come fast.
Yuki closed her vagina with her hand and they went meeting Amelia.
Amelia: Look I said if you were late you could grow back. And where's Jack?
Yuki: He'
Amelia: What? Who's that girl?
Rici: I'm Rici and now make me n
big or I'll throw him in this girls vagina!
Amelia: Ok chill I'll make you big just come out.
Rici threw me out and jumped out too.
Amelia: So why'd you shrink?
And than she sxpleined her the story.
Amelia: Aha but sorry I can't make you normal.
Rici: Why!?
Amelia: Because we're not done playing nfufufu. Oh and Jack you will join her being or "toys".
Than Amelia put off her clothes and began stepping on us.
Rici: Get off me! Your feet smells!
Amelia: Oh sorry I can't hear you.
Rici: I'm done I'm leaving and gonna live as a tiny now!
Amelia: You can't. I'll find you everytime and do the same things with you that I did now. Or maybe just eat you nfu.
Rici: I don't care I'm gonna live in a other place!
She than just left.
Amelia: Ok tomorrow Lilly will be the normal one.

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