First Incounter

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It's been almost a century since I crashed back in 1940. When I crashed, the planet hadn't developed tech I could use to fix my ship so I could head back home, let alone walk around the street without freaking people out. I tried to clone my DNA with a human to make an avatar to remote control around town, but my part made them only four feet tall. It also gave one thing every man on this planet wants and what every woman craves to have. My penis is huge, like a split woman in half huge. It hangs to about a foot and a half when it is soft, but it pushes to three-foot-long and as thick as a liter-sized bottle when fully erect. Honestly, I don't know how I don't faint with all the blood going into it. Under them are my huge balls, roughly the size of a baseball. But they pump out a good gallon of sperm, but I have to keep it all to myself. After running a few simulations on the computer, I found out that even though the avatar has human DNA, my part causes changes in the woman. Some good and a few bad. They could develop growths in the breast, ass, and waist to accommodate the offspring when it is born. The offspring could develop rapidly and give birth in as little as a week. The other bad part is the woman would be pregnant for the normal time, but the offspring would grow massive and cause the woman to be immobilized with a belly big as a fridge since they would have conceived three babies like on my planet. So I made my avatar sterile to protect them if and when I end up having sex, but It could always reverse itself. I didn't think that would be a problem since none of the women is my type on this planet. That is until the DNA I used was from a very perverted guy, and when linked to the mind chamber, I couldn't help but start to feel the same urges for breasts and ass as the human did. I remembered the woman from my planet with their gigantic breasts (they had three each the size of a full watermelon, one for each offspring cause we automatically conceive three) and their enormous ass. Just remembering them made my dick hard, but I never could find a girl to mate with since my species are normally eight feet tall, and I was a runt, only four feet tall. Even though my dick was bigger than all the males on my planet, it wasn't enough to get a mate. One day while using the avatar, it was craving a coffee, and if I tried not to drink it for a full day, I would get very angry at anything, even small stuff. So while out and about, I went into a weird coffee shop. When I walked in only saw females behind the counter and walking around the tables. I didn't mind the view but had to try and hide the sexual tension caused by all the women wearing only an apron over their huge breasts, the biggest being double E cup size with shorts on since it was nice out. When I got to the counter, the lady behind it said welcome me to the BM Café. How can I help you today? Of course, her enthusiastic personality made her breasts bounce and jiggle under the apron, and I could feel a stiffness in my shorts. I asked what's her best coffee. She looked back with a smile, held one of her breasts, and said our famous BM latte would be your best choice. At that point, I felt the head of my cock push past the end of my shorts, and I couldn't help it with this woman playing with her tit right in front of me. Okay, I'll take one. She then told me to have a seat, and she'll bring it right out to me. I walked over to the farthest table by the door just in case I had to run cause I had trouble keeping my cock under control. I walked over to the table catching stares from all the people. I saw the ladies looking down at my penis, trying not to make it obvious. But of course, I couldn't help it from getting bigger when I watched the ladies walk and bounce their breasts with every step. It started to stick out a good four inches as I sat there. I tried to clear my mind to get it back into the shorts, but the view wasn't helping. Finally, I saw the lady who took my order was heading to my table with my latte when I caught her looking down under the table and seeing my dick sticking out. You could see the hunger in her eyes, wanting to take a piece of it. I gave up and left it alone as she came up and dropped the latte off but didn't walk away yet. I asked if everything was okay, thinking it would be about my dick and if it was real. To my surprise, she was waiting for me to taste the latte to make sure I'll like it. So I grabbed the cup, took a big sip, and was blown away. I asked if she used milk and if I could have a little more. She said, of course, it's our all-natural milk, while reaching over to grab my cup as her other hand whipped out one of her breasts. She then runs the hand to her nipple while pointing it to my cup. A stream of white liquid goes right into my latte within seconds before handing it back. I asked what she did, and she responded, just adding milk to the latte. I was confused before asking what kind of milk was that. Oh, it's breast milk with a lustful grin. All the ladies here can produce it, hints the name BM café (breast milk café). We only use breast milk here with our coffee and lattes because it's much better for you. After she finished adding milk to my cup, I asked if I could try the milk itself, she said sure, but before she could walk away to get a cup, I latched right onto her nipple. She was stunned and tried to pull it away from my mouth, but I didn't want to let go once I had a taste. We heard a thud under the table before she got her nipple from my mouth. I knew it was my dick fully hard smacked up against the table when she asked me if that was my penis. I told her yes, and sorry for the trouble; I had never had milk that good before. She said, no problem, it's not the first time. It happens more often than you think in this place, especially mine since they are the biggest here. But I have to ask, is that man meat you have under the table real. I ran a few simulations in my head on how this can turn out, but most end up with her playing with my penis while I suck on her nipples, drinking a ton of milk, and fucking her after bringing her back to the house or she calls the cops when I try to do something with her. So I figured with her cool response after telling her it was real and how she eyed it while walking up to the table. I told her why don't you scooch next to me and find out for yourself. She blushed a bit before actually sliding into the bench with me. She was hesitant about reaching over to my penis under the table till I said it's okay, only fair since I latched onto your nipple earlier. She then reached over, putting her hand on my shorts where it was bulging from my hard-on. Then she slid her hand down, getting closer to my penis, and when she did, I could feel her cold hand on my hot dick when her face flustered. She then asked me how big it was? I told her it was three feet long, about a liter bottle thick, when she almost fainted with the blood rushing to her face turning dark red. She then said have to get back to work, but umm, I guess you stay here till you get that guy back under control with a slight grin. I was like, of course, can't walk out like this. They would arrest me, let alone how many other ladies would try to get at it. When she started to walk away, she returned with a napkin with her number and told me her name was Olivia. If I ever had trouble with my member or wanted to hang out to give her a call with a wink, I'll bring the great milk before walking back to the counter to serve others. I stayed there for what seemed like forever from the view of the store, and my mind kept picturing Olivia doing more than just touching my penis. When it finally shrunk back away, I went up to Olivia to ask if it was possible to get a cup of her milk. She replied, "Oh, I could do better than that, and then she went to the back of the store before coming back with a jug of milk. She handed it off to me and said, fresh off the tap, with a wink, slight smirk. My face became red like an apple and stiffened a bit again. I asked what I owed, and she replied all good with a wink before looking down and seeing I was starting to poke out again. She told me better get out of here before getting stuck here again. I looked down and saw the tip of the head was out again and said thank you before rushing out to head home. When I got home, I put the jug on the counter before heading to the sleep chamber to check this milk out myself and not through the avatar. When I got out of the chamber, I went to pour a glass. I took a big sip when my whole body felt fully restored, like drinking the fountain of youth or something. I took a sample to the lab to compare it with the cow milk and some I brought with me from my home planet. Because on my home planet, breast milk is one of the main nutrients. The females who are unable to conceive become our dairy farm. They get injected with growth and production hormones to increase their breast size and milk limit. I've heard some woman's breasts would grow so big they could fill a tanker on your planet with just one breast. Somehow her breast milk has more nutrients than my planet and cow's milk. The breast milk can restore me as if I ate for the last five days before getting into the chamber to control the avatar. After running all the tests, I became thirsty again, so I got another glass of breast milk, but this time I felt the refresh more in my penis and balls. After finishing the glass, my penis was halfway erect, starting to bend upwards. I couldn't believe it. What is in this breasts milk that is making me so horny? Was it because it came from a big-breasted woman that would love to play with my dick. I don't know what it was exactly, but all I know is I was becoming hooked on her breast milk. So I decided to call Olivia and see if she would like to come over and hang out. She said she would love to, shoot me your address, and I'll come over after my shift. After replying awesome, I can't wait. I hung up and sent a text with my address with a hungry emoji, and while I waited, I wondered what to do when she got here. So before going back into the chamber, I went into my lab and made serum to add to her drink to make her extremely horny with a side of nanobots to help expand her uterus to take my full member and prevent my sperm from getting to her eggs. I don't need her to freak out, becoming possibly fast pregnant within seconds or huge and immobilized later on. But later, I would use the nanobot to alter anything else like her breast milk production, but for now, just uterus expansion and pregnancy prevention. The serum finished when I headed to the chamber just in time when my phone went off with a text from Olivia saying she was on her way. Shit, now I have to figure out what to eat, so before she got here, I asked what she was in the mood for dinner. She replied with a meaty sausage followed with a lol winking smiley face, then sent another text saying salmon with mash potatoes and broccoli sounds good. I smiled when I read the first part of her message before replying no problem, and maybe you can have the sausage as an appetizer with a smiley face. Then I headed to the kitchen and used my food replicator to make dinner. I pulled it out to put on the table just as it finished when the doorbell went off. I felt my dick twitch when I heard it go off and knowing it was Olivia with her big breast full of milk, but before I went to the door, I added the serum to the wine I poured out for us. Then I headed to the door, but when I opened it, I was in shock. She stood there in a dark red, very low cut shirt with Grand Canyon of cleavage showing through and a tight pair of pants like leggings but are jeans showing off her big ass but nothing like her breast. She snapped her fingers to brake me from staring before saying I'll take that as a compliment. I was confused till she pointed down, so I looked, and of course, my dick was almost fully erect. So I apologized when she stopped me and got real close while running her hand down my shorts and her tits smothering my face because of my height since I'm four feet tall and she had to be five foot six. I was stunned by how forward she was when I coughed and said umm, din-din dinner is ready through her breasts. Great, we're famished holding up her breasts, making them spill out more. These girls take a lot of food to supply the milk for the coffee and lattes. I walked her into the dining room and pulled out her chair, and she sat into it a bit hard, causing her breast to jiggle a lot, making me choke on my spit before helping her scooch in. Before I walked to my side, she rubbed my penis while biting her lower lip, causing me to trip and my penis stiffens even harder. When I finally got to my side and looked back over at her, all I could see was her breast sitting on top of the table, and of course, she caught me staring. Do you like the view? She asked with a grin and arched eyebrow. I stuttered, trying to say yes as my penis smacked under the table. She then reached her hand under the table, and I could feel her touching the head of my cock while she licked her lips. If she kept teasing me like this, I would blow a load right then and there. As we sat there, she kept playing with the head of my cock while finally taking a sip of the wine. I waited till the nanobots took effect, but I was getting close to blowing a load right into her hand before I saw her breast billowing out more and more. I coughed to get her attention and pointed to her breast. She looked at me, puzzled, asking if she had something on her. I spoke out umm, your breasts look like they are growing bigger. She looked down and said, " Oh yeah, they tend to do that when I get horny and put my milk production into overdrive. Oh, I make you horny now, do I? But of course, with this massive man meat (while giving his penis a good squeeze). At that moment, a big glob of pre cum came out into her hand. She then used that to slide more on the head, bringing me to my breaking point. I think she noticed cause before I knew it, she was under the table, and I felt a warm, moist object on my penis. Within seconds I was blowing my load right into her mouth, and to my surprise, she was able to swallow every drop. After what seemed forever, I believe I blew about nine big loads. It started to soften before she was upright again, looking at me with a devilish grin. But something wasn't right. I've had sperm from men on this world before, but none tasted as good as yours. I'm going out on a limb here and saying you are not from this world and are using what I guess is an avatar. I don't know what you are talking about, and isn't that from a movie with the big blue people. Oh please, no man on earth even has a penis a third of the size you, let alone could they orgasm a few gallons of sperm like you just did. I was trying to plead my case when she caught me off saying stop. I know you are not from here, epically since you tried to infect me with nanobots for who knows what reason, but since no one on earth has that technology, the only way you could is if you are from another planet with more advanced science. I guess I don't have to hide anymore since you know so much, which makes me wonder how you know. Well, I only know cause I'm in the same boat. I crashed about 20 years ago and fell in love with this planet and what I could do here; what about you? I crashed back in 1940 and was stuck here when my ship was badly damaged. This world didn't have any high enough tech I could use to fix my ship, let alone couldn't make this avatar till around the same time you crashed here. But since you know so much, I'm assuming you're also using an avatar. Guessing your DNA enhances all that (pointing mainly at her breasts and the milk). Yes, to both, but they are only this big cause my species has four breasts. The human on this earth only has two breasts. So I couldn't walk around with an extra pair, let alone my huge butt and tail. Oh, you have four breasts and a tail with a smirk. Yea, I do. But how much of this is from your DNA (as she rubbed her foot on my dick). A lot of it since my real dick is roughly the same size, maybe a little longer, and the same as my height. Well, I do kind of want to try this beast with my own body instead of this avatar; what about you. I would like it, but I honestly like to have the milk from your avatar. Oh, my milk is way better than this thing can produce and might make you fall madly in love with me. If it's truly better than your avatar, I might have already because I was going to use the nanobots later to enhance your production. Oh, I would love it if you use them on my actual body. I was considered a runt on my planet based upon my breast cause my ass is anything but little. Out of all the females, mine was probably the biggest, but on my planet, breasts are everything meaning you can provide nourishment for your husband and babies. But since mine was always small, I could never find any men who would mate with me for life, so I decided to go on an exploring mission when I ended up crashing on my first attempt. So you have four breasts and can produce milk, and I'm assuming you weren't ever pregnant since your like me, the runt of the planet. Yes, my species produce milk soon after puberty to provide for themselves and their family once they find a mate. Okay, that's the same for my planet, but I was the runt since my species are normally eight-foot-tall, and I'm only four feet but have the biggest penis and balls no one wanted me. I do have a question when your species get pregnant, how many do you conceive? I only ask cause on my planet, the women have three breasts mainly because they automatically conceive three no more, no less. Honestly, we only have one at a time, even though we have four breasts. We have so many because two are used for income when we bottle the milk and send it off. The other two are for the family. When you have huge breasts as you should, you can milk almost two gallons from each breast; very few can pump up to five gallons each, but they are rare. On the other hand, I can only pump a gallon total from all four together hints at why I'm the runt and had to leave my planet. Would you like to come over in person instead of our avatars, and maybe I'll make a special batch of my nanobots for you? I can come now; I'm above your house in my portable ship. I could never figure out how to remote control my avatar more than 5 miles from my chamber. Oh, perfect, I'll open the hatch in the backyard so you can land in my shop underground and well get started with those bots. I walked her avatar down to the lab and then took my avatar into the chamber so I could walk out myself and wait to see her in person at the landing pad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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