Mission accomplished

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Mission accomplished

The next morning we pack up again and search for the careers camp. ‘What if I climb up in a very tall tree and look around if I could see something?’ I say after a while ‘we have been walking for hours now and I’m almost out of water.’ ‘Do whatever you need to do nitwit, but do it fast I’m getting hungry.’ Jade says irritated because they’re almost out of food, and I didn’t give her a cracker. ‘Ok I’ll be right back.’ I say. I look around a bit and walk to the tallest tree I see. Because I’ve been sleeping in tree for the last 4 days, I started to get faster into the trees. With some trouble I finally reach the lowest branch. From there I quickly climb higher up. The branches are becoming thinner, but I keep climbing higher and higher. Finally I reach the top. The view is awesome up here. I can see most of the arena. Behind me I see the waterfall that Cameron talked about. In front of me I see giant mountains, far to my left I see the cliff where I fell into the water, and about 500 meters to my right I see the pile of supplies, and the cornucopia where the careers are. I look around me once more remembering every single detail about the arena. I carefully climb back to the ground, but I fall off the last branch. I close my eyes waiting for the impact. I hit the ground pretty hard. I hear Cameron and Jade walking over to me. Slowly I open my eyes ‘found them’ I say my voice cracking. I stand up ‘Man that hurt pretty bad’ I say rubbing my back ‘but the careers camp is not that far away from us. They are about 500 meters that way.’ ‘You just fell 2 meters out of a tree, and you act like it was nothing. What’s wrong with you?’ jade says. ‘Oh it’s not a first. I always fall. Out of trees, off the roof and once even out of my bed.’ I say. ‘Can we just go ruin the careers their lives?’ Cameron says. ‘Yeah but how?’ Jade asks ‘didn’t you say it was on some kind of island?’ I say. ‘Yes why?’ ‘Well if it’s surrounded by water we can steal some stuff and we dump the rest in the water.’ ‘Ok but how are we going to distract those dumbasses?’ Jade asks me. ‘I honestly have no idea.’ I say. ‘I do, but it’s quite dangerous.’ Cameron says ‘Jade remember that time we almost ran into the careers?’ ‘Yes? Oh wait I see where you’re going, but like you said it’s quite dangerous.’ Jade says. ‘What are you two talking about?’ I say. ‘The same day we found you, we almost ran into the careers, but some stupid kid lit a fire and they saw the smoke of it. They turned around and just before we found you his cannon blew.’ Cameron says. ‘So we’re going to make a fire to distract them?’ I ask. ‘Wow, the nitwit actually can think!’ Jade sarcastically says. ‘But if we have the supplies, where are we going to regroup?’ Cameron asks. ‘I saw mountains about an hour walking from here, so we can regroup there. The mountains are that way.’ I say pointing to the north ‘but I don’t think we can do it today, it’s almost noon.’ ‘Yes we can still do it, but in that case we really need to hurry with making those fires. Because if there is a small chance I can still eat today, I will take it with both hands.’ Jade says. ‘Jade you’re the fastest so why don’t you light the fires while Rose and I steal the supplies.’ Cameron suggests. ‘I’m okay with that’ I say. ‘Me too’ Jade says ‘but if you don’t bring me any chocolate I’ll make hell break loose.’

The following hour we collect the fire wood for the four fires. ‘So Jade when you light a fire you whistle. The mockingjays will whistle back and eventually we’ll hear it. When you light the last fire you keep running straight forward to the mountains.’ I say she nods and leaves to the first fire. ‘Let’s go’ Cameron says to me. We walk to the careers’ camp. Just before we reach it, we hear Jade’s whistle. I look up to the sky where we put the first fire was put and I see the smoke rising. The careers   start arguing about who will go and who’ll stay. Luckily for us, all of them finally go apparently convinced that their supplies are save. When they’re gone Cameron and I start running to the lake. When we reach it I finally see why they thought their supplies were save. There are these weird little fish in the water and the look on Cameron’s face tells me this is no good news. ‘What are they?’ I ask him. ‘Tigrefly’ he says ‘let’s just say they are the reason my dad has half a wooden arm and misses a foot.’ I look down at them when we hear the second whistle. We have to hurry now. I look around and see a tree hanging nearby the supplies. ‘I’m going to try something.’ I say. I run towards the tree and climb as fast as I can to the low hanging branch. I take a deep breath and jump. Luckily I make it, but just a feet from the water. ‘Cameron can you come help me over here?’ I ask him. ‘I can’t climb in trees.’ He says. I see a float on the island and I send it back to him. He climbs on it and paddles himself to the island. ‘Now we need to hurry’ hastily we put all kinds of things in our backpacks throwing out things we don’t need. The third whistle. Quickly I grab a first-aid kit, some chocolate and a super deluxe sleeping bag especially for trees. But then I see it. A bow and about 15 arrows at the top of the pile. I drop my bag on the float and climb as fast as I can on the big pile of supplies. But just before I grab it I get a knife in my leg. I look around and see the girl from 10 with a knife in her hand at the other side of the pile. I pull it out and with one swift move I grab the bow and arrow and shoot her in her leg. I aim again but this time I aim straight for her heart. Just seconds later her cannon fires. I jump down, bind a t-shirt to my leg to stop the bleeding and retrieve the arrows from her body. ‘Cameron we need to hurry, the girl from 10 I believe, was here and I killed her so the careers should’ve noticed something weird is happening.’ I say throwing a container of food in my bag. I’ve got everything I want and start throwing all kinds of things to the Tigrefly. Cameron notices what I’m doing and helps me. In no time most of the supplies are in the water when the last whistle sounds. We jump on the float and quickly paddle to the side. We jump off and run towards the mountains. And just in time. When I glance back I see the careers breaking through the trees all raging and mad about their supplies. I start grinning to their reactions. It’s kind of funny how 3 kids of 14, 17 and 18 can defeat 5 people of 18 who have trained their whole lives for things like this. We keep running until we’re far enough from the careers camp. Or what’s left from it. Just about ten minutes from the mountains it started to become dark. We finally reach the beginning of the mountains. I whistle to Jade, so she knows that we’re okay. Just seconds later we get a message back. We follow the direction from where the sound came and finally reach jade. ‘So, nitwit did you get what I asked for?’ Jade asks me. I turn to my bag and open it up. It’s stuffed with all kind of stuff. I grab the piece of chocolate from my bag and throw it to Jade. Then I search for the first-aid kit I picked. I open it to treat my leg. I finally remove the soaking red t-shirt from my leg and inspect my wound. It’s quite an accomplishment to throw at me on a 3 meter pile of supplies and actually hit me. It runs from the lower part of my calf all the way down to my heel. And I think I could see my bones just before I passed out.

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