chapter 15~ lovingly look

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you see him signal you to come outside so you slip on your converse and walk down the stairs. "y/n, where are you going?" your mom asks. "outside." you reply. "hey michael, what's up?" you ask as you sit beside him on the concrete. "y/n, i've been meaning to tell you this." he says shuffling his feet. you feel your heart do that little drop thingy as you melt. "so basically, y/n, i- uhm well, i... love you." he says. you turn your head to your shoes scraping the ground with them. "i love you too michael afton." you smile.

"i.. have to get home." he says still flustered. "oh alright, me too." you say. he smiles  and kisses your hand as he picks up his skateboard. "one tiny thing, you.. have to meet my dad." you say. "oh no problem." he says with a smile. "oh yeah?, then make it right now." he got a really nervous look on his face. "well." he says. "what, nervous?" you laugh. "me? nervous? pshh" he says. "then come on!" you reply. he sighs.

you open your front door. "oh hey michael."    your mom says. "hello mrs l/n." he says. "oh please dear call me m/n." she says with a giddy smile. "oh alright m/n." he smiles back. you both make your way into the living room. "dad, this is-" you got cut off. "why is there a boy holding your hand?" he asks as michael puts both his hands behind his back and rocks back and forth nervously. "dad, this is my boyfriend, michael." you say with a fake smile. "why do you have a boyfriend?, your only 16." he says. "hey m/n how much you wanna bet they break up in a month." he laughs. your mom didn't reply.

"dad, i really like michael." you say. "yeah.. uhm sir i really like y/n." he says shakily. "mhm okay." he says still laughing. you and michael both make your way back to the front door. "michael i'm really sorry i-" "it's alright y/n, not everyone's gonna like me." he smiles. "and i don't care what he says." "now my moms gonna kill me." he laughs. "goodbye love." he kisses you then skateboards towards his house.

you walk back inside and see your dad leaving. "bye y/n." he says. "where you goin?" you ask. "back to chicago." he says "your moms making me leave." he says. "oh ok." you reply walking up the stairs with a sigh of relief. you walk to your phone ready to tell aphrodite what michael just said to you. 26 missed calls from: Aphrodite Wynter. oh shit.

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