Pebble's P.O.VUgh.
Look, me and S talked for a while. About Eto. Because...well, we didn't think he was this useless. S actually did think he was, though. Apparently he only brought Eto because Owl's Reach will probably get attacked by the Boss Wizards soon and he doesn't want Eto shambling through the wilderness miserably. Which I totally understand, by the way. But...he really should have done something else to save Eto. Because, duh, we're on what was named, un-ironically by Ione "Murder Rock!"
Seriously. S and her were talking about the next peak after this tiny little one? She smiled and threw out several names. Another one was "Death Rock", and a third was "Herobrine's Locker". I don't even know what that other one means, but anything with the prefix "Herobrine" can't be good. And she's also talking with us. In the closet, as Eto is a spy. So now it's cramped and S's knee is about to slam me in the face from how squished we are.
She's advocating that she escorts him down once he realizes he's useless and then she can guide him out if Owl's Reach gets attacked. Which, honestly, is a pretty good plan. But we also don't want to lose Ione, as she's just really good at fighting. Also she's pretty brave, so that's good. Seriously, neither me, S, or Eto have a smidgen of bravery. Well, S has a little. Not a lot, though. Meanwhile Ione took out a fire thing with the help of us haphazardly getting thrown/kicking it.
S is trying to decide if we should go with Ione's plan or let Eto stay and hope he doesn't die. He gets the decision, seeing as he did bring him up. If he does die...well, first of all, S would be at the very least super depressed. He doesn't like watching people die, like most non-sociopaths. Unfortunately for him, he's got a photographic memory, so he can literally remember everything.
Which is weird for a guy who can't remember his own name, but S has proved I don't know.
Secondly, I don't want to see him die, either. Eto's useless right now, but he's actually really good at retaining info. Plus, he's kind of a moron, but pretty sweet. Also, I've saved the guy from murder by S and Ione. Don't want to have my trouble invalidated by the fool killing himself. Oh, did I mention that they were angry at him?
Apparently he snooped on some really personal stuff. I dunno. But I don't want to see Eto get tossed off the mountain and liberally stabbed, so I saved him from that. Which is kind of stupid, as he's a jerk for spying. S told me about Emerillion. If they were talking about her, I'm murdering him myself. Nobody should be listening in on conversation about a tragically dead or creepily alive girl.
S's talking now. He's saying "Fine. We're going to keep him. Ione, if he starts having trouble, me or you can escort him down. Unless..." Then he looked over at me "Would you do that?" I shrugged "Maybe? Depends on how high we are." He waved his hands around "Let's go, then. Almost sunrise, we'll head out in about two hours." I shrugged "Alright. I'll go tell Eto, you in the closet?"
S rolled his eyes and grinned. Ione smiled and said "Ah, no. Go do that. We'll be...exploring."
By the way, when either of them say anything in that tone, they're plotting something. Wow, that's not ominous at all. I looked up at them and said "Uh...exploring. Right. Any reason for the creepy voice?" S smiled and said, in this sweet, high-pitched voice "No. Go away." I sighed, flipped a hand "Seriously, what the heck are you people doing?" Ione sighed "Fine, we're going out to the mountain again. Alright? Want to explore this cave. Emerillion was in it. Fine, paranoid weenie?"
I just blinked and walked out. I'm not arguing with a girl with the courage to call me a paranoid weenie and a dude with a large greatsword and alliance with the girl who called me a paranoid weenie.
FanficPebble and S, plus various canon characters trip to Ao. This is fanfiction for the Path of Exile and Diary of an 8-bit Warrior serieses, written by Cube kid. Warning for character death.