Chester x Parker

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In one lovely day Chester and Parker we're sitting down on the chairs from the kitchen ( ofc 💀😭)

Chester's pov

Aye Parker what should we do today it's kinda boring Chester said "we should make a video but first we should check our gmail" Parker said " oh okey" Chester said they went up stairs they were checking there gmail " oh look! It says " my mom has been acting weird since we moved in this weird house" Chester said " oh we should go at 7:00 we should email her back " Parker said " oh okey" Chester said ( they emailed her ) later that day " okey it's already 7:00 let's go get our things" Parker said they got there stuff and headed to the car " okey she knows we are going already" Chester said " okey good" Parker said ( they were in the car when chester "accidentally"touched Parker's hand cause Parker was driving ) "omg sorry Parker!"Chester didn't say anything and putted his phone where the radio was at and grabbed his hand  "I-"
They hooded one hand the whole car drive they were there bla bla bla they did what they did and they went into the rooms because they were gonna sleep "goodnight Parker" Chester said " goodnight Chester"Parker said but he whispered "more like baby boy ....." Parker thought Chester wouldn't hear it but he did they both were sleeping Parker was having a dream of having with Chester until Chester faced Parker ( Chester and Parker had feelings for each other but were scared to say it cause they thought they were gonna leave each other ) Chester was so close to Parker's lips and since Parker was having a dream and shit he kissed Chester Chester's mind " OMG DID HE KISSED ME???!!!" ofc Chester kissed back he could feel Parker's hand going threw his a** and grabbing it and Chester holded his hands on Parker's neck Parker woke up but he saw them kissing and stuff and Parker got on top of Chester and putted his legs on his shoulders they were like that for an hour and he took off Chester's pants but remember Chester thought Parker was asleep & the room was dark so he couldn't really see what was happening all he felt Parker's hands on him Parker unzipped his pants and only letted out his ukkkk and he started licking Chester's hole Chester was moaning like crazy but Parker loved his moans and Chester was about to cum but Parker stopped and thrusted his uk into him and Chester was a moaning like crazy and was scratching Parker's back.

Wait until the next part it's getting spicy

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