Morning time ❗️

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On last night Chester woke up next to Parker sleeping cuddling cause they asked each other out Parker's *POV: hm Chester is so cute when he's sleeping 🥰 * Parker decided to sleep with Chester cause Chester was sleeping still and he didn't want him to wake up so he slept again like this

             On last night Chester woke up next to Parker sleeping cuddling cause they asked each other out Parker's *POV: hm Chester is so cute when he's sleeping 🥰 * Parker decided to sleep with Chester cause Chester was sleeping still and he d...

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But Chester is ofc the girl in the photo 🥲👍
They slept for a while until Chester woke up cause he was thirsty and got up and went downstairs to get a drink of water. Parker woke up noticing Chester wasn't there so he got up too,to see where he was at he back hugged Chester and said " good morning baby" Parker said " good morning babe" Chester said Parker sniffed Chester cause he smelled good. " baby stop that tickles" Chester said " baby u know I love u so much I can't stop sniffing you😘".
" Chester started feeling butterflies in his stomach cause who doesn't 😭" I'M SORRY THIS IS SHORT CAUSE ITS LIKE 12:24 AND I'M TIRED I WOULD DO THE OTHER PART WHEN I'M AT THE BUS❗️❗️

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