12. Deer meat

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Quick notes:
Starting with the new characters in the story and what type of hybrid they are:
Dream- kind of a ram???
Kristen/Mumza- Also a crow like Phil, I really couldn't think of any other bird I wanted to have her be.

Now, a quick warning⚠️: there will be mentions of gore/death along with a very small part where it mentions suicide, although it is more said out of frustration than anything else. Also mentions of selling people. If you are sensitive to any of those things, I would suggest skipping this chapter.

Ranboo and Tubbo have already been there for almost two weeks now, but they still weren't used to the attention and affection from their captures. They expected anything but this. Considering what Tommy said, they assumed since they weren't "the perfect one" that they wouldn't acknowledge them, or even.. get rid of them.

However, they did not.

In fact, they showered them with just as much love as they did with Tommy.

Ranboo still would jump every time they entered the room, and Tubbo would instantly get ready to faint and play dead, but besides that they were somewhat getting used to it.

"Boys! We have someone for you to meet!" Phil called from the other room.

Ranboo flinched a bit and looked towards the door.
Tommy snarled, "if they show us off like objects, I'm going to hang myself."

Hesitantly, the boys got up and made their way into the living room area.

Ranboo coward away behind his friends. He was the most scared out of all of them. He was a deer making him more alert and nervous than the others. Plus, deer are also great to sell and be turned into meat.

"Boys, this is Dream," Phil introduced them to a young ram in a green hoodie, "he will be joining us for dinner tonight."

"Why?" Tommy questioned. Out of all the months of being here, Tommy has never seen them bring someone over. Hell, he didn't even hear them talking to anyone from the outside.

"Well.. we were talking about business stuff, when I decided that Dream should join us for dinner. I think it would also be good for you three to interact with at least one person that isn't us."

Tommy raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it any further.

"How about you four sit here while we go work on dinner? I think you boys could use the company."

Ranboo quickly shook his head, but they didn't seem to notice and started heading to the kitchen.

Dream went over to a seat and sat down. He looked at the other three expectingly.

Tommy glared at him and sat down with his friends on a couch across from him.

"So, you three are Phil's new kids?" Dream asked.

"We are not his kids. They kidnapped us." Tommy snapped at him.

"Same difference."

"There is no similarit-"

"Okay, enough from you, you useless raccoon."

Tommy scrunched his face and his ear twitched in anger.

"Excuse m-"

"I said enough. Now, you two," Dream started referring to the other boys on the couch, "you are more useful."

"Don't talk to us like we're objects." Tubbo spat and Tommy nodded in agreement.

"Hm. You are really snippy for a goat. You should learn respect to those who are above you."

Dream looked at Ranboo expecting some attitude from him as well. But nothing came out of the boy, not even a nod of agreement. He just sat there looking down nervously. Dream smiled.

"Well then, there is one of you that is respectful. I wonder if you are up for sale," Dream said causing Ranboo to lift his head up in fear.


"Yes, you would bring great use. Even if I don't need meat myself, I could sell it or skin you."

Ranboo's breathing started picking up as he shook his head quickly.

Dream stood up and started walking closer to the couch, "Yes, selling you're meat would be perfect. Don't you think?"

"Hey! Get away from him you freak!" Tommy screeched.

Dream scoffed and pushed Tommy out of the way and grabbed Ranboo's wrist pulling him up. Ranboo struggled to get away from Dream, "l-let go of me!"

No matter how much Ranboo pushed and kicked, Dream didn't let go.

"There is no need to speak, or act, like that."

"Please! G-get away!"

Finally, Phil and the others rush into the room, "What's wron-" Phil cut himself off, "Dream. What are you doing to him?"

"Well, I was just saying how perfect he would be to sell."

Techno spoke up, "we're sorry, but he is not for sale."

There were glares being shot at Dream, "but you could sell him for so much, I don't understa-"

"Did you not hear me?" Techno asked going over to Dream, "He. Is not. For sale."

Tears fell down Ranboo's face, he quickly took his chance to take his wrist away from Dream and retreat back to his friends.

Dream looked over to Ranboo and frowned.

"I think it would be best if you went, Dream."



Dream scoffed and went to the door, "you three are making a huge mistake."

He opened the door and quickly froze.

Towering over him was a giant bird. He gulped and quickly ran past her and out the door.

The bird walked in.

The light shined on her and,


"Phil! Techno! Wilbur!"


Wow this one was long, but the chapters should be the normal length after this.

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