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I am fully aware that its been more than a year, however, there is a thin that has begun happening on the full moon in the last couple months.... I need to see if I can find what causes it before I tell you though. I will tell you that it starts a few days prior to the full moon though. It generally lasts a full week, only ever at night though. Side note that probably shouldn't be a side note, the mood stone has resurfaced I have come in to, admiditly poorly protected, contact with it. It didn't have the same effect on me that it did on Cassie. At the time it appeared to not have any effect at all, in hind sight this was two months ago... Is it possible that it truely did bond with me different? That is a theory I will need to look into further. I will get back with you within the next couple of months. Well, I'll try to anyway... This is farewell for now though.

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