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His whole world engulfed in darkness and his body with adrenaline.

He had plundered into the gaping mouth of a hungry giantess. It was difficult to see with so little light making it's way through sealed lips. Her hot breath passed through this cavern like a thick heatwave. He frantically tried to get a grip on her saliva covered tongue but it was too powerful and slippery. He was completely void of control as he was tasted, flipped, and squished around her mouth.

It was not long before he had utterly tired out, almost giving up the little hope he had left. That was when he saw the crack of daylight shine through the lips from whence he came. That hope was swiftly snuffed as a loud and mischievous giggle resonated with the tight room around him.

With a quick head tilt, he had began slipping right down into her throat. He tried and tried to get a grip anywhere as he slid down her tongue. He found some leverage! He had grabbed onto one of the backmost taste buds, this one unusually larger than the rest. He looked down toward impending doom, it was a long journey down that tight wet gullet to her stomach. He didn't want to think about the horrors he would face. He tried to take a moment to brace himself for an escape. He couldn't let this happen. He had to get out.

With a look of determination, he went to hoist and lunge himself from his prison, but it was far too late for that. She had given a mighty swallow, pulling him down with the force of 100 men. His heart sank just as he did down the tight, hot, and slippery path down to her gut. This was it. He had been doomed. Out of all the ways, he thought, It had to be this one.

As he emerged into the stomach, he slid down onto the floor, his body covered in thick saliva and legs were submerged in the stomach juices. He did not try to fight it. He had accepted his fate. It was odd, the way the stomach grumbled and shifted, the darkness, the beating of her heart resonating with this body, and the thick, stuffy scents made this place rather tranquil. He lay back and closed his eyes. He thought for a while, sifted through his thoughts. He was no longer afraid. For the first time in his life, he was at peace.

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