The Return of The Legendary Sonic CD Race

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Chapter 7:




Star Dust Speedway,

"There they are!" Shadow screamed as they looked ahead to find the two METAL versions trying to act like them. "Hohohohoho!!! My plan has worked! I've taken you're little goody girls to the end of the stage. Only two of you will make it. Now, on your mark, get set..." Dr, Eggman said. "SHADOW!!!" Mariah cried. "MARIAH!!!" Shadow screamed. "....GO!" Dr. Eggman said as Shadow and Sonic boosted of with both METAL versions rite on there tail. Sonic ran slower a bit so he could knock METAL SONIC out. "HAHA. THAT DOESN'T WORK ON ME ANYMORE." METAL SONIC said as he boosted. Sonic and METAL SONIC were nose to nose. METAL SHADOW boosted too! Sonic and Shadow knew what to do. Shadow used chaos control to transport them to the end. The METAL versions ran as quick as possible,but the door shut and when Dr. Eggman got to them, he incinerated the METAL versions by mistake." SHADOW!" Mariah screamed as Shadow tied her off the pole. "SONIC!" Amy screamed as she jumped on Sonic. Shadow and Sonic returned to GreenHill and rejoiced.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2013 ⏰

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