chapter 8

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Chapter 8: New Broom

Usual disclaimers, no rights to any characters portrayed and this is neither the real world nor a Disney Princess tale. There will provably be changes in the first hour or so as I find things that didn't come out the way I wanted.

Once he'd had his talk with Uncle Fili, Harry went back to physically rejoin the conversation Hermione was having with Auntie Minnie.

Even after a month, it remained difficult for Minerva to talk to Harry and Hermione without shaking her head, because Harry's face and Hermione's personality were so much like Lily's, the way they finished each other's sentences was too reminiscent of the Weasley twins (and their uncles for that matter), and taking sage advice and direction from what she still thought of as two children was difficult.

She couldn't argue that Hermione and now Harry were advising though. The ones in the Great Hall would be more receptive to what they needed to hear now, as they'd just seen the 'Great Albus Dumbledore' slapped down by one of his students, and that Hogwarts' magic accepted Harry's decrees. So with that, she headed up onto the High Table dais and had Pomona, Filius and Septima join her before she cast a Sonorous.

"Could I have your attention please?…." When everyone shut up and turned to face the dais she continued. "As we are entering a new era for Hogwarts, it is imperative that you all understand the rules and laws that you will be required to abide by while you are at Hogwarts, and you should know that these laws will be enforced outside of Hogwarts as well from now on."

She paused to let that sink in and then went on. "Firstly. Any student attacking other students or members of staff with spells or otherwise except where this is a legitimate part of a class or other sanctioned school activity will be expelled, have their wands snapped and be stripped of their magic, just as Percival and Ronald Weasley were. Furthermore, under the Most Ancient House and House Laws of Magical Britain… which were accepted as law by the Wizards Council and ratified as both immutable and incontrovertible by the Wizengamot when it was created, and again when the Ministry of Magic was created…. the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is required to investigate the incident and prosecute the guilty parties. Where those attacked are significant members of a Most Ancient House, penalties and imprisonment in Azkaban are mandatory and being sent through the Veil of Death is a significant possibility, the Weasleys only escaped this because as their primary victim, Duke Potter pleaded for leniency for them! For ordinary members of a Most Ancient House, and members of Ancient and newer Houses and Families, penalties and imprisonment in Azkaban, or even the Veil of Death still apply, but these are determined by the nature of the offence and the victim. No-one is exempt from these laws, so if anyone is thinking that they can get away with this because they did so in the past, you are sorely mistaken! Severe penalties will almost certainly be applied on your Houses, and Azkaban or the Veil of Death may well be your future! So Mote it Be!"

Once again, she paused to let that sink in as they all felt the veracity of the decree being accepted by the magic of Hogwarts, then continued. "Another aspect of the Most Ancient House and House Laws of Magical Britain which is treated even more seriously is Line Theft! Where the Most Ancient Houses are concerned, the penalty for sexual assault, the use of love, Lust or loyalty potions or compulsion, coercion or memory charms in an attempt to take control of the Head or Heir of the House is to have their wands snapped, be stripped of their magic and their Houses will forfeit everything they own and be eradicated before being put through the Veil of Death! For other members of the Most Ancient Houses, and members of the Ancient and newer Houses and Families, the guilty will have their wands snapped and be stripped of their magic, but who the victim is and the nature of the attack, whether it was planned or spontaneous and whether the crime was committed singly or by multiple attackers will determine whether the primary punishment is the Veil of Death, life in Azkaban or a lesser term in Azkaban and whether the guilty Houses lose everything and their Houses are eradicated, or they only lose part of what they own. Once again, no-one is exempt from these punishments, and at Hogwarts, Hogwarts sees and hears all... this may have been ignored previously, but it will not be ignored now, I can assure of that! If you do this, to anyone, you will be captured and punished, and your Houses along with you! Professors Vector, Flitwick, Sprout and myself all have copies of the Hogwarts Charter, where the laws prior to the Wizengamot's creation are recorded, in our offices, and any students wishing to read them has only to go see their House Mistress or Master. So Mote it Be!"

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