{chapter 2}

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He woke up with a loud gasp as he gripped his chest tightly, trying to. Calm himself down

'a Dreaam.. It was just... A dream..' he whispered to himself, as inhaled and exhaled slowly

Someone then opening the door, the figure who welcomed him in this place, taufan.

"hey solar wake up we're gonna get breakfast soon so I suggest- hey you okay?" taufan's look changed from a cheerful one to a more worried

"i-im good.." solar replied, trying to act natural, which failed

Taufan only replied with a hum, which assured solar that taufan believed him, which is the opposite.

"well, wake-up and wash your face, it'll be nice if we eat breakfast together before some of us goes to school" taufan smiled

"school?" solar tilted his head in confusion

"oh yeah! Forgot about that.. First of all let me tell you about atok-"

"I know"


"thorn told me some.. Stories about him" solar whispered, still feeling kinda uncomfortable from the previous incident

"ah! I'm not surprised, thorn loved that old man, we all do." taufan smiled widely as he chuckled

"so school is a place where we learn, there are multiple subject and yeah.. All that stuff" taufan chuckled

"we'll have to wait for atok to sign you up, which would take dayss" taufan informed, "you okay with us leaving u alone from time to time?" taufan asked, receiving a nod from the gray eyes boy as he smiled at him

As they left for school, solar was left alone in the house

He decided to head to the living room

As he went there, he saw a couple of books in the shelf, due to his curiosity he grab some of the books and place them onto the table

He was a little confused of some words he never heard of, but confusion turned into interest as he kept on reading

And he loved it

Few moments later

he finally finished the last page of the books, it was really interesting. too bad there wasn't anymore books he can read

He then decided to walked around the house, to get to know the place better.

He explored every inch of the place, room to room as his last destination was the back yard

There were a bunch of well grown plants on the left, a swing on the tree and some burnt down fences, it was probably blaze doings.

He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, as he flinched and light beam burst out of his eyes

He breathed heavily and looked down, looking at the certain water elemental crouching down

"I am so sorry! Really!" solar panicked as he took ice hand before helping him stand up

"careful" ice answered plainly, no expression remained in his face

Few moments later

Knock knock

"Hello? Anyone home?" Someone opened the door, it was ice

"Oh yeah, welcome home" solar greeted ice as he tilted his head expecting the others

"where are the others?" Solar asked, "They have extra activities to-do so they won't be home soon" Ice said as he puts his backpack on the couch

There was an awkward atmosphere around them, none of them choose to speak up

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