The Rescue Part: 2

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The Rescue: Part 2

The Underworld:

Phoebe turned towards Paige with a grin. "It worked! Zankou followed Cole. They're gone. Let's hurry and save Piper and Leo."

Paige nodded that she understood and they hurried into the cave. Right away they noticed that Piper was very, very pale and her eyes were closed. Scared, they both hurried to her and Phoebe sank to her knees next to her sister and took her into her lap, lifting Piper's head. "Piper, it's Phoebe and Paige. We're here to save you."

Piper opened up her eyes and they lit up when she saw her sister. "How? How did you find me, Phoebe? How did you escape? I was so scared for you and Paige, so sure that Zankou would kill you both."

Phoebe smiled. "Rescue now. Explain later. Right now, we need to get you and Leo free so we can vanquish Zankou for good."

Phoebe wrestled with the rope and had no luck, so Paige came over and between the two of them, they were finally able to untie all of the knots.

Piper rubbed her wrist and stood up, groaning because her legs were cramped and her feet were tingling as blood finally returned to them. She looked at her sisters and gave each of them a huge hug, before going over to the wall that she knew was between them and Leo.

Ever since she first found out that Zankou had Leo trapped on the other side of the wall, she'd been trying to figure out how to get rid of the wall. She tried to come up with a spell even though Phoebe was a lot better at writing spells than she was. Then it suddenly hit her...she was trying to reinvent the wheel. Paige had come up with a spell that should be perfect. She just hoped it would work. So she began to chant.

But before the first word came out of her mouth, she heard her sisters gasp "Zankou?"

Piper spun around, getting ready to freeze him, but her arms were still cramped from being tied and she couldn't raise them fast enough. She screamed when Zankou grabbed her, keeping her arms near her body so she wouldn't be able to access her freezing power.

Sh strugged hard to get away, but he had her held fast and he couldn't help grinning at her struggles. Then he turned the same grin towards her sisters. "Do you honestly think me as a fool? Just because your half-demon friend is does not mean that I am. I knew all along you were here. But I had to play along. Make you think you could save Piper and Leo before my return."

"Let my sister go, mister." Phoebe growled, even as she worried about what had happened between Zankou and Cole.

That made Zankou laugh. "What? Are you going to premonition your sister free? You can not harm me. And if I do not throw something at your other sister, she can not richochet it back towards me."

Even as Zankou laughed, Paige orbed behind Zankou, a large rock in both of her hands. She didn't need her TK to whack him over the head! But just as she raised the rock high, Zankou laughed and shimmered out, Piper still his prisoner.

"Where did they go?" Phoebe asked.

Paige shrugged, then reached out for Phoebe's hand to orb her back to the manor.

Phoebe shook her head, "No! Leo! If we can't rescue Piper, let's at least rescue Leo. He might be able to help."

"But where is he?" Paige asked, looking around.

"You're half-whitelighter, Paige. Try to sense him!"

So Paige closed her eyes and tried. "I can't sense anything."

Phoebe remembered when Piper traded powers with Leo. "Yes, you can! You have to relax and grow calm and just concentrate on him! You can do it, Paige! I know you can."

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