Good Boy, Draco

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"Okay, close your eyes!"

Draco scrunched his eyes shut at Harry's command.

"No peeping!"

"I'm not!"

"You are! Cover your eyes!"

"Fine!" Draco growled, slapping one hand over his eyes, whilst Harry took his other hand and twisted the key in the lock. All Draco could make out was the sound of the creak as a door widened, the clacking of footsteps on hardwood flooring.

"Ready?" Harry grinned, stepping into the room, guiding a blinded Draco behind him "Ok, open!"

Draco dropped his hand and opened his eyes. Harry was beaming beside him, looking from Draco to the open room and back

They both stood inside an empty open-plan flat, with dark brown wooden floors and open brickwork walls. There was a kitchen to the right of them, which consisted of only empty counters, a breakfast bar, a fridge and a cooker

To the left, Draco assumed was the bathroom and bedroom, he hoped. Two large windows looked out the back wall allowing dust in the air to be illuminated by the morning sunshine beaming through, whilst various furnishings such as cream curtains and a simple light shade stood in the otherwise empty room.

"Well...?" Harry asked, searching Draco's face for any sign of excitement to match his own, he was still holding Draco's hand.

"I thought... it would be bigger?"

"How much bigger do we need? It's only the two of us."

"It's so... empty."

"Well, the advertisement did state that it was unfurnished."

"But, Harry," Draco turned to face him, worry in his expression "We don't have any furniture."

"We have a mattress," Harry encouraged, leading Draco further into the room "and look there's the fridge, and an oven already built-in, and then over here," he dragged Draco across to the door on the left and swung it open "Our very own bedroom and across there is the en-suite with a shower and toilet, I mean... maybe it's not much, not compared to the millions of rooms we had at Grimmauld Place but, it's enough, right? For you and me?"

Harry had taken hold of both Draco's hands now. There was pleading in his eyes, mixed with excitement and nerves

"It's really just ours?" Draco smiled

"Our home." Harry said, gliding his fingers over Draco's cheek, stealing a gentle kiss in the moment

They'd barely been in their new flat more than 10 minutes before Harry began unbuttoning Draco's shirt in between kisses. Harry kissed Draco, pushing him back against the wall, then proceeded to drag his tongue down Draco's neck, and across his bare chest before dropping to his knees

"Harry... don't you think... we should at least... unpack first?" Draco panted as Harry pulled Draco's pants down with his teeth

Harry didn't respond, Draco's dick made a far more convincing argument

"On second thoughts... keep going..."


"Fancy a pizza for dinner?" Harry asked, flitting through the pile of junk mail that had been gathered and dumped on their kitchen counter before their arrival

"I guess so," Draco replied, he was busy taking his books out of the moving boxes one at a time, dusting off the covers and inspecting them for signs of damage "Is it the same pizza we had a few weeks ago?"

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