Chapter 3 // »edited 15/12/14«

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Chapter 3


Whatever I was lying on was extremely soft and comfortable. I knew it couldn't be my own furniture; Eleanor and I couldn't afford anything as soft as this, so where the hell was I? And how the hell did I get here?

Slowly prying my eyes open, I anxiously waited for the pain in my stomach, quickly recalling last night's events. But after a couple of seconds I frowned and sat up when the pain didn't come. I looked at my surroundings when the blurriness of my sleep had left my eyes. The room was huge as well as the bed, being able to fit at least seven fat men and a duvet that was quite heavy and lovely and the silk sheets.

"How do you feel?" the familiar deep voice broke the silence and I cringed just a bit.

"Uh, fine," I answered and frowned, my voice was laced heavily with sleep and sounded a bit deep and gruff. But my voice was never deep and gruff, it was actually quite high.

"You should be," Harry nodded, his eyes fixated on my stomach where I had been stabbed.

"How?" I asked with confusion, I was bloody stabbed for Christ's sake!

"We had given you a few transfusions but it didn't seem to be working, so I had to give you some of my blood." Harry didn't make eye contact and it was more like he was talking to my stomach than he was me.

I frowned, giving him a slight glare, "I said I didn't want any of your guys' blood. Where am I?"

"In my castle," he answered my second question. His voice was calm and his tone simple and it was if he had gotten this question a lot. "This is where you and your little friend, Eleanor, will be living. We've already gotten your things moved in - this will be your room and Eleanor's down the corridor."

"And how long was I out, exactly?"

Harry pursed his lips, "Um... about two days." He shrugged and began to pick up the boxes that were scattered around the room, his back turned to me as he moved the empty boxes around, seeing as everything was already put away and unpacked like they just knew how I liked things.

Then he finally got around to answering the first question I had asked, "Oh, and about you not wanting our blood, you would've died without it. Just about every human has at least had vampire blood once in their life and it is a rarity to find one who hasn't. And you, are one of those rarities. Why is that?"

I shifted uncomfortably, "My mum and dad kept a close eye on me as a child, I rarely ever left their sight. They knew the truth about vampires, and my dad was a slayer, it wasn't exactly safe security for a hunter's child."

"... Then how'd you go to school if they kept a close eye on you?"

"My mum stayed with me throughout the school day very often, and when she wasn't there she had someone else there with me. All the other kids thought I had some kind of mental retardation with having to be watched over twenty four seven," I chuckled.

"Do you know why they kept a close eye on you? I know it was dangerous cos you were a hunter's child, but did they ever really say WHY?"

"To keep vampires away from me, obviously. There often tried to go after me when I was alone, but we never knew why. We just took precautions towards it," I shrugged and ran my hand through my greasy hair and made a sturgeon face at the feeling of it's disgusting sleekness.

Harry nodded with a smirk, "I can see why, your blood smells amazing. But that's not the real reason. I'll look into it..."

There wa a light knock on the door and we both turned to look at a frightened blonde girl. She had on dark blue skinny jeans, a plain black shirt that was a little too big for her and old looking Converse on her feet. "Ma-master Harry, the meeting's begun, they'd like you to introduce the hunter." She looked very frightened and uncomfortable and she didn't even look up, let alone look Harry in the eyes.

Can't Help It (Larry Stylinson - Vampire AU) 《editing》Where stories live. Discover now