in love man

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Jade pov:

Its Saturday today Usually I spend my saturday sleeping and smoking and listening to metal in my messy ass room due to the lack of friends but ive grown to like it,however today my afternoon nap was rudely awakened by a text from beth " GET UR ASS DOWN TO THE RECORD STORE LIKE NOW" thats werid she usually dosent text me to hang out but im not questioning it currently im speed getting ready this is the fit.

Its Saturday today Usually I spend my saturday sleeping and smoking and listening to metal in my messy ass room due to the lack of friends but ive grown to like it,however today my afternoon nap was rudely awakened by a text from beth " GET UR ASS...

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Nothing fancy cause im being rushed ive speed fixed my makeup and im on my way to the record store.

Time skip to @ record store

I open the glass door and scan the room for beths brown curly hair shes kinda hard to miss I see her she's standing at the indie section across from the metal section. and she aggressively waves me over to her I make my way over and she grabs the side of my arms and turns me around " WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" she cuts me off " SHH listen my gothic little friend do I have a surprise for you I give to you the hottie brunette who looks like hes in pain" she whispers shouted "ha I bet hes some fucking poser" I muttered

she then proceeds to grab me again and turn my direction to the metal section OH MY GOD oh my god my eyes just landed on the hottest guy like ever. he has beautiful long brown hair hes awfully tall he wearing an anthrax t shirt but I can still see his arms are kinda musclar. and those gorgeous eyes greyish bluey he has a very prominent addams apple as well god he's perfect and I was too busy drooling I realised his gorgeous eyes had met mine.

and im staring FUCK oh shit I turn immediately im still starstruck but I zone back to reality when I hear beth whisper shouting
"Dude what was that he totally saw u checking him out u cant just turn away you gotta go make ur move" jesus shit shes right " WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO what do I even say to him beth god this is so fucked" I replied shit shit " DONT WHISPER YELL AT ME JADE IM HELPING and uhh ask about the record he's holding start conversation on your mutual Love for shitty satan worship music" what a bitch,but its not a half bad idea next thing I know I feel myself being pushed by beth I've went flying across the narrow record store and landed in the metal section

About an inch away from hitting the hottie boy well thats one way to make an impression I thought to myself I should probably say something since we're like an inch apart " uhh shit im so sorry about that" I apologised I couldn't quite read the look on his face but he was silent " oh im jade btw" I said he looked down at me for a moment and opened his mouth to speak " hi jade im hunter" he said blankly looking back at his record clearly uninterested in the conversation I took the hint

I began walking away from the boy and then I hear him again "wait was there something else" I stopped in my tracks thank fuck he said that I thought  I turned to face him "yeah actually I was gonna say you seem cool and I love that record" I replied shyly already feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.
"Really uh thanks I guess and I didn't think anyone in this shithole listened to good music" he said I laughed "yeah ik what you mean but I really like metallic and slayer and slipknot those are my top three for sure" he looked down at me again in awe he looked at me properly this time and it made me feel awkward what if he thinks I'm ugly fuck.

The gaping silence is broken by hunters delayed response " fuck yeah I love slayer that's so cool I mean I haven't really met anyone into metal that's like so well.. cool" god hes perfect even his voice I need to have this boy or ill die I think "uh thanks well maybe we could hang out sometime n listen to slayer maybe" I replied full of hope "yeah Maybe we could do you uhh want my number?" He said looking down shyly FUCK YEAH I DO DUDE UR DROP DEAD GORGEOUS I thought to myself.
"uh yeah that'd be cool" I said trying to sound calm and collected as he typed his number into my contacts.

This is the part where I am supposed to walk away and say ill text him later huh " so l should get going then but ill talk to you soon hopefully" I smiled walking away my smile turned into an ear to ear grin as I made my way out beth rushed to catch up to me "SO WHAT HAPPENED" she screeched excitedly " man I think im in love" I sighed out beth wraped her arm around my shoulder and as we walked home I thought im unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Hunter.

Was this okay or was it too long idk but yeah have this chapter I guess

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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