Omi is missing

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Karan is relaxed when he got to to know that his ex has been arrested. His teju is in his arms
Karan : I hope she never comes back to bother us
Teju: I have a feeling, that she is not done with us yet. Though I hope I am wrong. But we need to be more careful. I have saw something else in her eyes when I met her in police station like I am something she wanted to eat raw.
Karan: don't overthink she can't even lay a finger on you.
Teju: I have very strong intuition that it's not over yet

The moment she said that Karan's phone start ringing. He got a call from Omi's mom in the middle of the night that he didn't reach back home and his phone is switched off. It's almost 3 in the morning. Karan didn't know what's going on.
Karan: I haven't seen him from the morning. Where did he go?
Teju: he was here with the doctor and left just before you woke up.
Karan cut the call assured to call back once he gets the news.
Karan: it been so long ago , he lives 10 minutes away from us. he should have reached back his home. How did he go back?
Teju: parvez was dropping him. Call Parvez
Karan tried calling both Omi and parvez but both of their phones were switched off.
Karan: now this is odd that both of their phones are off at the same time.
Teju: you do have the tracker in your car. Let's just find out where is the car.
Karan: yeah we should do that
He checked the car is just 5 min away from their house and it's not moving. Karan got scared , he is thinking thousands of things at once , teja understood the situation and held his hand to comfort him.
Teju: let's just go there and find out. They had to be ok. Don't worry we will find both of them
Karan: I know in my heart that they are ok but still it's not normal that their phones are off.
Teju: yes let me drive, you guide me to the location.
They left for the location and saw their car on the side of the road. It doesn't look like any damage to the car so they are concluded that there is no accident or something. They go get close to the car and found Parvez in unconscious state and Omi is nowhere to be they sprinkle water to his face. He gets back into his senses, and when he is conscious they asked him about what happened and where is Omi?
Parvez: bhai I was going to drop Omi to his home and few people attacked us. They were armed. They took Omi on gunpoint with them thinking it's you. They sprayed something on my face and then I have no idea what happened afterwards.
Karan: but who wants to kidnap me? Do you know these people? Where the heck they take Omi ?
Parvez: I don't know any of them but I know one thing that they have come in her car.
Karan: whose car?
Parvez: your Ex !!
Karan: oh my god!! This is unbelievable How can she stoop this low?  I have to meet her now. But first I need to inform Omi's mother. But I don't know what to tell her
Teju: tell her you are going to get him. He will be home in the morning
Karan: yes make sense!! She will worry more if we tell her the whole situation.
He called his mother, she is ok talking to Karan
Karan: let's meet that woman now. Let me see what she has to say
Teju: I will come with you.
Karan: no I don't want you to be near her please. I don't want to worry for you as well. I am already stressed for Omi. Let me handle the woman this time.
Teju: ok, I will be sitting out but take me with are not going alone. Parvez is also not in condition to take you.
Karan: call someone to pick up Parvez from here. He needs to get back to his home.
Teju: ok I will call billu.
Karan: ok let's go and find out what that woman wants by kidnapping Om.I was with her for years and never realized she could do something like this ever.
Teja: don't stress yourself more , you already not feeling too well. I will take you to the police station.

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