quick awareness post

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Sorry everyone! Chapter two is coming soon, I promise! I just need to rant about something real quick.


suicide + racism + death threats

There's this blog called carlaerosie on tumblr run by a girl named Carla Rosie, and she was a rlly sweet rlly pleasant person. She was Colombian, loved Encanto, and taught her followers about Colombian (and a little bit of Catholic) culture through her blog. Overall great.

However a blog soon emerged called encanto-for-white-ppl which was extremely racist and partially started the overwhelming tsunami of hate towards Carla. Everything from racism to death threats. Carla wasn't totally great—some of the things she said were kind of off, but she was imperfect, which is to be expected.

I was looking through the encanto tag on tumblr and saw a post about Carla. I misread and simply thought it was about her hate. However a trip to her tumblr blog proved otherwise.

There was a post on it from her brother, saying that Carla committed suicide.

Carla was 15 years old.

At first I was hoping it was some sort of joke, or fictional, or otherwise not real. I was incorrect. The post was very real. 

I'm honestly disgusted. This whole situation is nauseating. Just because some people couldn't handle the fact that a FREAKING DISNEY MOVIE wasn't made for them, a girl killed herself.

This whole thing makes me want to cry. The encanto fandom is a lot worse than what's on the surface, and I'm honestly considering leaving it. Why the hell would I want myself associated with that level of disgustingness?!

I wish I could've given Carla a hug. She didn't deserve this, nobody does. I hope her death will continue to spread more awareness about cyberbullying. And I hope whoever sent her hate gets served the wrong dish at a restaurant. With no refunds.

Have a nice day, friends.

- anon knife

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