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Absence makes the heart grow founder. In many cases that seems to be true, however, for me, it turned out differently. My cousin, the only friend I've ever had moved away just after our 13th birthday party and grew distant from me. Despite our developing relationship and the fact that we were inseparable. What's worse is that he couldn't tell me where he was moving away too, I suppose his father was the reason behind that.

Years go by as our contact got shorter and shorter until just after he turned eighteen he ended contact with me together. This sent a huge wave of despair into my life and I felt like I hit rock bottom. However, nearly as quickly as the despair hit me anger followed just as fast. I feared that he was either dead or worse: someone took him from me. The anger fuelled my motivation and though it took a couple of years I eventually found his location. A little town in Oregon known as Gravity Falls.

My life has been nothing but absolute garbage since he moved away. I have no friends, my parents are divorced, and I've been battling depression. It's to the point now where I want to just leave everything in California and hand my life over to him. After all, I was more than willing to when I was thirteen. That's how much I loved him.

Driving along the long, narrow road into the deep woods I finally came across a few lamp posts guiding me straight to the house. The butterflies in my stomach began to go nuts the moment I laid eyes on his house. I haven't seen him in years and I can't imagine how he is going to react. No matter, I was prepared for anything he would throw at me. I put my car in park, exit the vehicle, and begin walking towards the front door. Without touching the door my cousin slowly opens the door.

There he stands in his navy blue robe, grey boxers, and smoking a cigarette.

"Well look who finally showed up. Took you long enough" he greets me with that cocky smug on his face.

"Hello to you too Zander," I muttered back sounding a bit displeased.

"I see you finally put your father's detective skills to good use. Though I must say I am rather disappointed it took you this long to find me" he smirks.

At first, I didn't know whether to be thrilled or furious when I first saw him. His new cocky attitude has definitely leaned towards the negative side.

"Are you even happy that I found you at all or has some whore filled your bed to keep you busy?" I glare at him.

"Hahaha you're such a delight little cousin!" he chuckled.

"I'm only little by a month you jerkwad!" I angrily snapped at him as he continued to laugh.

"That fiery attitude is still burning bright I see, I'm glad you haven't changed much."

"I hate to disagree with you but a lot about me has changed and that's why I'm here. Zander, I want to stay here with you" I proclaimed.

"Come again?" he humourlessly wondered.

"I have no life back in California, my parents are spilt, and I have no one. You can keep me here as family, as a slave, beat me, torture me, do whatever you to me as long I don't ever leave your side. So please take life is yours" I begged him.

As I finished presenting the circumstances I look up at him with desperation in my eyes. Taking one huff of his cigarette his expression was blank until he suddenly bursts out laughing. my jaw dropped and I was completely flustered.

"Why the hell are you laughing?! I'm being serious here!" I yelled to display my seriousness.

"Hahahahah! That's what you came all the way out for?! To surrender?! I can't believe you! I thought you had more pride in yourself" his laughter began to dim down.

"Damn it don't you understand! I have nothing! You are the only thing I've got left and I don't care about pride. All I want is to spend the rest of my life with you like you fucking promised!" I spouted.

"Seriously? You riding on a promise that we made when we were kids?"

"Doesn't matter, now let me inside" I demanded.

His demeanor quickly shifted from humorous to serious in a matter of seconds. I know for a fact that Zander hates being demanded to do something. Hopefully, this will get his attention much better.

"Sorry, but I can't allow you" he muttered.

"Why not?" I muttered angrily back to him.

"You're wasting your time. I have my reasons for ditching you and I don't want to explain them. Go home and don't ever come back" he coldly tells me.

As he is closing the door I had one more ace up my sleeve. The reason why he left me in the dirt.

"You found someone who is more than just a whore, didn't you?" I said with a smug on my face.

This captures his attention as he stopped closing the door and reopened it to hear me out.

"What if I did?" he slightly smirked

"Simple dear cousin, I will find them and I will kill them" I threatened.

A gust of wind blows through the air creating an eerie sound around us. The timing was comically perfect and befitting the mood. Don't why I added that detail I guess that's the dramatic in me. Zander stood there quietly for a brief moment, then he spoke.

"There is that hidden twisted intuition of yours. I was worried that it was lost." he grins.

"Not lost just buried. I'm not joking Zander I will find whoever it is, and get rid of them. If that what it's takes to be with you. So be it" I proclaimed.

"I wish you luck and since you are here let's make it official. If you manage to find them and kill them I will take you as you wanted. However, it will be for the purpose of making your life a living Hell" he states in low voice.

"Sounds like a deal," I replied.

"Before you go let's seal it, shall we~?" he flashes that devilish smile of his as he reaches his hand out to me.

I return the favor by exchanging my own devious smile "Let's" I muttered before taking his hand.

Pulling me close he roughly grabs my face and places a firm kiss on my lips. It didn't matter if the exchange was jaggy and unnatural I was thrilled to be tasting his lips again. My heart pounded with delight as he allowed the smooch to go deeper and his tongue plunged into my mouth. I swiftly wrap my arms around him to pull his body close and as I did that I felt his teeth piercing the inner corner of my lips. Trying to hold back my moans of pain I could feel my blood drip down the side of my face and eventually drip onto his hand. After a painful minute of locking lips, he released his grip and carefully pushed me away.

I look up at him and it was like staring at Satan himself. Vile, sinful, and undoubtedly evil. I couldn't tell if I was disgusted or turned on as he licked a bit of my blood from his lips like some viper. I began to use my sleeve to continuously wipe the red liquid from my lips as I just glared at him sinisterly.

"It's done, Zander. Next time you see me I won't be alone" I told him.

"I'm holding you to that Jackson. Until we meet again farewell~" he waved as he shut the door.

I walk back to my car with a new kind of drive running through my veins and it was an exhilarating feeling. Finally, I have a reason to keep on going, sure it may involve bloodshed but it will be worth it.

However, that all happened around four years ago.

I suppose you were right about one thing Zander, I did waste my time. On someone who I spend two years pining for and they didn't even love me back. How stupid was I to forget our deal? Now with you gone and his departure from college I'm all alone again. Time to finish what we started, I will find that person and I will kill them. From the inside out.

Before I begin, I would like to pay a visit to my old flame. A part of me still misses him.


BillDip AU: Gravity NightclubWhere stories live. Discover now