Rotten Apples

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The day had arrived, Zander Payne's memorial and if Dipper could put his feelings into one word about this day it would be; tense. He was about to meet the family of the monster who manipulated, sexually abused, and tortured Bill for years. Not to mention almost murdered as well. At first, he didn't want to believe it, but once Jackson sent the information all of Dipper's worries had been confirmed; it WAS Zander Payne. Scared about what Bill would say and disappointing his mournful friend, Dipper decides to keep it a secret until after the service. A bold, yet, risky move on his part.

Once Dipper is finished getting ready Bill walks in to give him a hug and to give his condolences to his friend. Dipper is pleased by his lover's compassion, he smiles back at him and gives him a peck on the cheek. Briefly, after that, Dipper grabs his phone and makes his way out of the apartment, past the club, and out the door to see his friend waiting in the car. Jackson jokes about the length of time it took Dipper to get ready and out the door, this makes the brunette chuckle with amusement.

"You really think I took that long?" Dipper wonders jokingly.

"Well yea! I've been waiting here for hours!" Jackson says sarcastically.

The pair burst out laughing.

"Your so dramatic dude!" Dipper comments.

"You know me so well! Anyways let's get going we don't want to be late" Jackson says.

After that moment of joy, Jackson shifts the gear and begins to drive the car. As the vehicle was moving all that Dipper could really focus on was the view outside the window to help keep his nerves at ease. I mean there is no possible way Jackson would turn out anything like his cousin. Dipper knows him as a shy, charming, smart, kind person who would never hurt a fly. Keeping those thoughts in mind was helping Dipper get through the nerve-racking car ride.


An hour later, the pair pulled up to an elegant funeral home with a large cemetery in the back. The building was pretty huge and looked like it could house a thousand people, this made Dipper's nerves return. However, he looked over at his friend who was looking gloomy and heartbroken. Taking a deep breath to ease the nerves again the brunette gently placed a hand onto his friends.

"Don't worry Jackson, I am here to help you" Dipper smiles at him.

"Thanks, Dipper, you truly are an amazing friend" Jackson smiles gratefully at him.

After giving his friend the assurance he needed, the boys got out of the car and began to make their way inside. Opening the doors Dipper was completely bewildered by how intricate the building was, however, what confused him the most was the number of guests who were in attendance. In a room that could fit up to three hundred people, only thirty were present in the room. Dipper thought that this couldn't be it and that more should be arriving shortly. He addressed this to Jackson who confirmed that this was everyone. The shock was so immense that it felt like Dipper got smacked in the face with a frying pan.

Inside jokes aside, the second a family member laid eyes on the pair the room turned deadly quiet. The pressure from their stares was enough to make Dipper's heart beat rapidly and lose a bit of breath. Seeing this, Jackson takes his friend's hand and assures him that he will be okay if we just ignore them. Dipper nods to signify clarity and without skipping a beat, Jackson begins to escort Dipper inside. As they are walking past the intimidating family members, whispers of hate and disguise could be heard.

"Oh look the black sheep of the family is here"

"The nerve to show his face in our presence"

"That kid beside him must be a paid actor, no way their together"

BillDip AU: Gravity NightclubWhere stories live. Discover now