Chapter 1: Future?

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Xiao, a moody teenager who couldn't care less about what's happening around him, is being lectured by his teacher.

"Xiao." The teacher called, waving slips of paper in front of him, "You're graduating soon, we both know that."

He nodded.

"You only have a few months left, and you're the only one who hasn't handed in your idea for college," The teacher said, "College is an important step in everyone's lives, so I want you to think it over carefully- what are your goals? What do you want your future to be like?"

Xiao awkwardly nodded once more, and the teacher only sighed, "You may leave now, Xiao. I hope you take my words to heart, and please hand in your form soon."

He left the room, silently walking through the halls.


Just thinking about it, Xiao's head went blank. A white canvas, filled with nothing, and he was presented with no colours to fill it.

How do I... just know?


"Are you serious?" A deep voice echoed from across the hall and Xiao turned his head back, it was the most popular students in school, Zhongli, Ei, and Venti.

"What do you mean, Zhongli~" Another voice called, it was lighter and sweeter, though Xiao didn't know who it was, "It's an honest goal!"

"That's just like you, Venti..." Now, a woman's voice said, "The first thing you want to do once you turn 18, is to get drunk?"

"Oh come on, Ei," The sweet voice giggled, "A poet's dream is to; sing, tell stories, and get drunk!"

"Ugh," The deeper voice groaned, "You might not even become a poet if all you do is drink."

All the sweet voice did was laugh at the deeper voice's comment.

Xiao barely knew them. He only saw how they looked through paintings and heard their voices through recordings, despite them being crazy popular. Or maybe he did, but just never bothered to remember.


His stomach growled.

Ah, I forgot that it's lunch break...

Xiao hurriedly ran to get his lunch before the trio could turn around and spot him.


There was a small fact that everyone knew, and probably the only fact people knew about Xiao.

He wasn't exactly proud of it, but he didn't really care bout it.

You see, Xiao has no friends.


4 years in one high school; barely anybody knows him, and he barely knows anybody else.

Xiao had a personality that wasn't easy to get along with- you wouldn't ever know what he actually meant with his 'I don't care' attitude if you weren't friends with him since elementary. Unfortunately, Xiao's friends since elementary equaled to zero.

Perhaps him being like that has lead to Xiao's downfall in his social life...

As always, Xiao decided to eat on the rooftop, alone, since it was peaceful like that. But also to escape that crazy girl in his class, Hu Tao. She was as funny as she was insane.

Xiao instantly shielded any thoughts of Hu Tao, he wanted to just focus on eating his lunch. After all, he was getting impatient on finally eating his Almond Tofu.

He walked up the stairs, noticing that it was awfully silent today. Usually, there'd be at least a few kids eating and chatting on the stairs.

Finally, Xiao pushed open the two doors that lead to the rooftop.

His dark turquoise hair flew around, it was surprisingly windy today.

Xiao winced at the sudden gust of wind blowing against him, he secretly reminded himself to check the weather forecast more often.

Xiao sighed, I should just eat in the staircase today.

He turned around to head back, but suddenly noticed someone in the corner of his eye.

Xiao's eyes shot open.

There was a boy, his dark hair was braided and hung from the side of his face, with light green dyed on the tips. He seemed so carefree, that is until Xiao realized that...

The boy was on the other side of the fence that guarded the roof.



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