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Hello, my loves!

How are you all doing?

This chapter will focus on some details that you must know before proceeding towards the fun part, a.k.a. the books.


* Books of following genres will be read. They include:

↠ Romance (Mature included)

↠ New Adult

↠ Teen fiction


↠ Non Fiction

↠ Humor

↠ Mystery

↠ Thriller

↠ Horror

↠ Paranormal


↠ Fantasy

↠ Historical Fiction

↠ Contemporary + Diverse Literature

↠ Fanfictions (Selective-DM me to confirm if your book is applicable)

↠ Short Stories

↠ Poetry

↠ Werewolf

↠ Mafia/Gang

↠ Science Fiction

*The book must be in English.

*It would be preferred if your book has at least 5 chapters excluding the author's note and other introductory segments. However, if there are fewer chapters, we(the reviewers) would go through them, anyway.

* Each book will be read by the reviewer as well as me( navisheree ). This is to make sure that a set quality of books that we recommend/promote, is maintained.

* Please give us a few days to get back to you to confirm your application for a review. Also, we shall get back to you regarding the acceptance/rejection of your book in MAXIMUM 4 WEEKS. In case your book gets rejected, we will give a review regarding the shortcomings and how they can be worked upon.

* In case the book was rejected before and you wish to reapply, add the tag- #TBCR. This will help us reassess your book more quickly. TBCR stands for "The Book Cafe Reapply".


There will be one common form for all types of books in the next update.

Once you fill out the form, PM me ( )the name and username of the writer. Once I received your private message, the assessment will start.

If on assessment we deem your book as fit, you will be notified and then promoted.

If there is any question/point that have not been clarified, please comment on it.

The next few chapters will contain information about our team of reviewers.

The next few chapters will contain information about our team of reviewers

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