so when fiona put me up for adoption my beautiful baby, donkey adopted me. hes such a sweetheart. he put his hard cock inside me and we made little demon babies. fiona said she wanted them. she said that she will call the cops if i dont let her kidnap them. i called my brothers sisters friends cousin, lord farquad. such a sexy small man, he got rid of fiona. sexy farquad had a wonderful idea saying that me, him and donkey should all have a threesome. it was a good time.
the next little baby came out of my dick. shrek liked when i was moaning. lord farquad had a little boner after it. we gave fiona 1 child but wee kidnapped it later on that evening. shrek still doesnt know about that yet. that is what she gets for breaking my baby and farquad do make a pretty good team.
fiona found a dragon [the one that held her hostage], to make babies with. that is the only lover she will ever get. se will never love the same way again. on the other hand we have shrek and donkey[the 2 greatest lovebirds ever], farquad, the 3rd wheeler, also sort of a lover. fiona is really not happy about her relation ship. shrek and donkey do IT everynight. they cant stop. their kids that looked like gremlins even walked in on them from it being so loud[donkeys moans], tey even once asked to join in saying, we practice wrestling everyday aswel. shrek always sends them to lord farquad to play. shrek is still wondering why their asses hurt when they come back from playing together. but then again all shrek needs is his beautiful donkey
Teen Fictionthe story of donkey and shrek in the bed whilst fiona catches them doing IT. [hot] {NSFW}