Monday (September 3rd, 2004)

227 10 1

As you walk up to IKEA you begin to something was wrong...When you take your first step in IKEA the faceless employee greats you with an emotionless voice. As you go deeper in to the store, you hear faint sounds of quiet nosies of people screaming for help. It feels like you've been walking for hours and hour, you come across another employee saying in the same emotionless voice, "the store will be closing soon, please find the nearest exit" you hear from them in a soft emotionless voice.

As the employee fasley walked away, you feel..uneasy..again...(light turning off noise). As the lights turned off without any warning, you knew something was off about this IKEA, you knew that you had to get outta there. As you attempt to find an exit, you couldn't find one anywhere, it's like there all gone... "excuse me, the store is now closed please exit the building", you hear ass you feel a hand touch your back. It didn't feel like a human hand..more like a mannequin. As you slowly turn around in fear, you gaze at the faceless worker, but this time you can see emotion..they looked..mad? You couldn't speak, all you can do is stand ther in fear. But you knew you had to get outta there.

I hoped you enjoyed my little story I'll add more soon <3 sorry that is chapter was short

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