" 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑛, 𝑜ℎ ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠."

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I would like to apologize for my mistake!! I have forgotten to publish part 1, and now everyone is probably mixed up and confused. My apologies!!
————————————————————————Aether twisted and turned, his long hair rubbing against his pillow, turning into a mess. He groaned and hugged his knees. Whatever dream he was having, he obviously didn't enjoy it. His eyes slowly opened, which they sunk low. He struggled to sit up from his horrid dream, the only thing holding him up was the weight of his arms being pressed onto the bed behind his back.

"I'm glad that's over.. when will they ever stop."

Aether muttered, staring outside a window that was glowing bright from the sun. It was acting as if it was some holy god. He hissed and covered his eyes, Aether despised the morning sun and how it flashed onto him as if he was on a stage at all times. Outside his small shell he acted like an amazing knight who would never let you down, always caring to everyone, and "would never hurt a fly." Which he knew was wrong. But inside his shell, he remained in his comfort zone to process all his thoughts that had been raiding his head ever since his sister went missing.

"Why must you haunt me constantly, just leave me be."

Aether rubbed his head and got out of bed. He stepped towards his small dresser, it had his clean outfit on it. He always wore it when he went out for traveling or doing commissions.
He undressed and threw on the outfit, wrapping the scarf comfortably around his neck and putting his single earring in. He stepped outside of his room and then his house, having to face the bright sun again, but now, acting like it didn't affect him. Though he had forgotten one thing, to put his hair in the braid. Of course, Aether being exhausted, did not realize. He walked around the crowded city of Mondstat, greeting the citizens and pets that sat around watching humans do their own thing. Seeing all these animals reminded him of his own travel companion, Paimon. Where was she ? Right as Aether wondered that, he was passing by Good Hunter. Suddenly a voice shouted at Aether.

"Traveller !! Paimon was waiting for you, you were supposed to come for breakfast! But of course Paimon finished your food for you."

The small fairy approached the tired blonde, who was forcefully smiling and standing up straight. She then paused and glanced down at Aethers hair.

"New style ? Paimon likes it ! Just a bit too messy though."

"What do you mean ?"

Aether grabbed his hair, expecting it to only be his single long braid, but instead, it was a chunk of his blonde hair that stretched down to his hips.

"Ah..I must've forgotten to braid it. Lovely."

He sighed and facepalmed.

"Like Paimon said, it doesn't look bad at all ! It fits you."

"Thank you Paimon, but-"

Aether paused, knowing what he was about to say would be very out of character.

"Thank you, Paimon !"

"..You're welcome-?"

Paimon felt something off about Aether, he never seemed to stumble on his sentences..or look slightly messy. Maybe she was overthinking, and just concerned for her friend.

"Are you hungry ? Paimon can order you some food, but you're still paying for the wait !!"

"I'm good, thank you though."

Aether bowed as a sign of respect and walked away.
Paimon now was EXTREMELY suspicious, who in the world skips food !! Food is the best and is a pure talent ! Such fool would only skip food.
He walked to the tavern, about to enter until he saw the missing poster near the door. He immediately turned his head and frowned, "stop haunting me."
He mumbled. Aether shook his head and smiled again, walking into the tavern and walking upstairs to take a seat in the corner, there were only a few people there who were only chatting and not getting drunk, this will be calming.
Aether started to sort through his thoughts yet again, looking down at the table with his hands petting his hair. He started to zone out, stuck in a sea of thoughts. Thoughts of negativity.

A few minutes have passed, and Aether had remained in his current state the whole time. One of his friends had come and took a seat next to him, but he didn't even notice. He was stuck looking down without one single blink.

"Traveler ?"

Aether jumped and backed up slightly against the wall, he gripped harshly onto his hair as if it was a rope in a game of tug of war.

"Are you alright ?"

"Me ? Oh yes I am fine ! Why do you ask ?"

"You seemed stressed of something, especially since you're up here alone, zoned out."

"I am not, thank you for your concern though."

Venti stared into the Travelers eyes, usually they glistened brightly with pureness. But now, they seemed empty and more like flames and emotions piled up into a color. Maybe it was just the lighting ? The corner was pretty dark, since it was pure day there wasn't much quality lighting needed from the lights on the ceiling. He was scared for his friend, something wasn't right.

"Are you sure ? I can always play you a tune -!"

"I'm good, thank you Venti."

"You don't wanna listen to my tune ?! That's new .."

"Sorry Venti..I'm just, tired ."

"Ah, alright... mind if I stay at least ? You can rest on my shoulder !"

"That..would be nice."

Aether smiled. The bard scooted close to the blonde traveler, he held onto the bards arm and rested his head on his shoulder while the bard had his arm wrapped around the blonde travelers back, rubbing it. The traveler soon fell asleep.

"I fear for your health, Traveler."

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