"𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃."

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Aether slowly woke up, the person from last night was still there and petting his head. Aether looked at the person, his eyes still burning harshly, he closed his eyes again and brought himself closer to the person. Who even was this..?
The person didn't even realize Aether was awake, until he let out a quiet groan, signaling he was still tired, yet awake.


Aether slowly opened his eyes yet again, then just to see..

"Xiao -?!"
His eyebrows raised, though he wasn't disappointed with the result, he was still surprised that such cold of a person would do something so sweet.

"Yes ?"

"Oh..nothing just, surprised to see you."


Xiao got up, and so did Aether.

"Could you tell me about, you know, what happened last night, and why you were crying?"

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."
Xiao took the travelers hand, looking into his eyes.

"Well, I ran away from Mondstat..I yelled at Amber, and might of hurt her.."
He took a breathe, knowing that he was gonna tear up easily.
"I left behind everything, I just couldn't take it, I felt like I was being used..I didn't even get a say in anything. Always helping everyone, once I tried to say no and..I just ended up doing it anyway. I could never get help for myself. Worst of all, they didn't even know my name..it's just a lot. And I got lost on my way to Liyue, it was just a mess.."

"Oh my..I'm sorry about all of that. I'm assuming you came to Liyue to move on from Mondstat?"

"Ding ding-! Haha..correct."

Aether smiled playfully, though his voice sounded like he was drowning in a sea of tears.

"I could tell, you barely switch to geo. Surprising how you do that anyways."
Xiao poked Aether's chest plate that shined like gold.

"Hah, yeah."
Aether shrugged.

"Besides that, what is your real name?"

"I don't think I should share, especially in Liyue. I wouldn't say I'm very much of a trusted person with the Mammoth. Or whatever they're called.."

"Mammoth? You mean the Millelith?"

"Yeah,, whatever you said."

Xiao cracked a smile, which Aether immediately noticed


Aether smiled joyfully, despite the conversation they were having.

"What? No.."

"Hah, sure"

He snickered.

"So, how about you go take a break. A longggg break, and no doing commissions."
Xiao suggested.

"Amazing plan, I've been dying for a restart. Thank you, Xiao."

"Of course, I'll be leaving now. If you ever need me again, just say my name."

Xiao was about to vanish like he always did, until..

"Hold on, I've got one more thing."

"Oh? Then go on."

Aether kissed Xiaos forehead, Xiao stared at him, in shock.

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