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For the first time in the few years of my life I was happy.

I even gave him a nickname because I thought it was cute. It was Hobi. I was practically living at his house because his mother didn't want me to be at mine with all the abuse going on.

After she saw my mother give me one of her famous beatings, she said that I was going to live with her, Hobi and his sister Dawon.

My mother was more than happy. She put all of my stuff in a garbage bag and happily told me to never come back.

I never understood why my mother hated me so much. I always did as she said and I always wanted to give her love...

My happy days didn't last very long though. Not even a month had gone by and I was back with my mother.

When she called Hobi's mom I was happy to go back to her. Hobi's mom didn't want me to go but I think that my mom might have threatened her with the police.

After a few days at home I found out that my mom had a new boyfriend. He seemed nice at first, he wanted to be my friend. I was still to young to notice and understand certain things, but I knew that hitting people was not right, he did that to my mom a lot.

At first he would never touch me, but after a while things began to happen.

It started with a hug, then a kiss on my cheek. This went on for some time until one day he and my mom were drunk and wanted to play a game. Dress up, to be exact.

They stood me on the living room table and told me to take off my clothes. I was so scared because I knew that it was wrong but I didn't want to disobey my mom.

I slowly took my clothes off and just stood there naked while they laughed and touched me. I remember trying to get away but I was hit.

I was forced to change into different outfits and then out of them for hours.

The worst part was that I can still feel that nasty tongue of that horrible man on my intimate parts and the how my mom just let him do that to me and didn't give a damn.

That was the first time I remembered wanting to die.

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