PraRish - Love Confession Part 1

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It was the night Pratha's father got killed because he was an assur. She was heartbroken to know that her dad, the person that she wanted to cherish and love for her entire life, he was the assur everyone was looking for. She had finally found her dad, just to lose him once again.

She had also gained her powers back and she was thinking that she needs to go onto her next mission now if there was anything else bad happening in the country or if there was any hidden assur. First, she had to kill her father and now she had to leave her love to move out of his life and to let him move on because she had killed all the assurs in Gujral house (I am not adding Seema's track here because otherwise it will be too long).

She got back to the house and Rishabh was looking for her, he did not find her in the room and he was worried because she still had the wound from the bullet. After a while, Pratha got back to her room and Rishabh was furious because he saw blood leaking from her bandage.

Rishabh: where did you go? Don't you realise that you have to be resting because of your wound? Look at it getting worse!

He had teary eyes when he was looking at her wound.

Rishabh: you shouldn't have taken that bullet, it was coming towards me
Pratha: I would do anything to save you, even if I have to take things upon myself.

*Tere sang pyaar instrumental plays in the background* PraRish look into each other's eyes.

Rishabh: you said you were after money but I can see love I your eyes. You would have never taken a bullet for me otherwise.

Pratha was just lost in her own thoughts thinking that she must be strong so her love can move on happily.

Pratha: I took that bullet because someone needed to pay for my bills, your parents would have kicked me out if I would have let you take that bullet.
Rishabh held her shoulders and made her look at him.
Rishabh: Don't lie to me, I know there is love for me in your heart, look at me, I will make you confess!

Rishabh leaves the room angrily, he goes in his study and starts drinking alone.

Rishabh's Monologue: Pratha, I will make you confess your love for me because I have fallen for you, deeply and passionately. I want to be yours forever and I will do anything it takes for your love to surface. I love you Pratha, I love everything about you, I never thought that a person would change me that much. You took a bullet for me, saved me so many times, if it isn't love, then what is it? I can see it in your big eyes, you are mine Pratha and I want to hear you say that you love me. I will go to any extent to do this!

Meanwhile Pratha gets a call from the Professor and goes to meet him with Mahek.

Professor: thank you both Shesh Naagin and Mahek, you have defeated the assurs and saved the country. We are now safe from the disease and I will be sending you to another mission soon. You will need to leave Gujral house to be able to go to that mission.

Pratha with teary eyes: does that mean I will have to leave all my relations here and move on to start a new life?
Mahek: yes Pratha, you must do this, you are a Shesh Naagin and cannot get attached to anyone. This was decided since the beginning. You don't love Rishabh do you?
Pratha is quiet and she just has tears rolling down her cheeks.
Pratha: Didi, we will leave their house tomorrow night. I need to speak to Rishabh and do something for him so he can move on happily.
Mahek: you love him that much that you are willing to let him move on?
Pratha stays quiet and they go back to the house.

Rishabh is sleeping on the sofa when Pratha gets back. She cries so much looking at him, it was all the love she always wanted that was going to be apart from her by tomorrow night. This handsome man was all she was waiting for in her life and now that she had him, she had to leave him. By not only breaking her own heart but unknowingly his heart too. She just couldn't help it, she was a Shesh Naagin.

She went near the sofa and touched his cheeks softly, then she ran her thumb slowly on his lips. She then went near him to place a kiss on his lips but he was about to wake up so she moved back. She went to bed but could not sleep the whole night.

In the morning, she called Reem and told her a few things on the phone and asked her to come to the house in the evening. Reem was over the moon and accepted Pratha's offer.

Rishabh woke up and came downstairs, the hall was decorated and there was a mandap. He was so confused.

Rishabh's mom: Beta, Pratha told me that you still loved Reem and that she wanted you to have the person you love in your life. In the evening, we will end you marriage with Pratha and get you married to Reem. I hope that makes you happy now, I appreciate Pratha for doing this for you. I did feel that she was in a lot of pain while saying this. But what can we say...

Rishabh: mom you must be kidding me! I have never asked for this? Nobody asked me what I wanted!
Mom: it's too late now, Reem is getting ready and all arrangements are done. I will see your happiness finally now.
Rishabh: but mom
Mom: enough! Go get ready!

Rishabh: what the hell! Is this girl mad or what! I will show her, when she will see me getting married to Reem, I am sure she will stop it. I will go to this extent to see her love for me.

Pratha was avoiding him the whole day, whenever he tried to call her she went to do some chores. She knew she couldn't confront him because she will break down if she did. Rishabh wanted an explanation but he wasn't getting the chance to get anything out of Pratha.

Rishabh went to Mahek.

Rishabh: Heena ji, she takes you as her sister, why is she doing this, I know she loves me then why all this?
Mahek: I don't know, she hasn't said anything to me
Rishabh: I cannot live without her, I don't know what it is any why but I know that we are meant to be. Please stop her before it's too late.
Mahek gets emotional seeing how much Rishabh loves Pratha

Rishabh leave from there and Pratha sees him going towards Reem's room. She starts crying holding a pillar.
Pratha: it was all meant to be. I am happy that Rishabh ji is happy and will move on.

Rishabh goes to Reem: what are you doing?
Reem: didn't you say you wanted to marry me and leave Pratha? It's happening now, I am so happy! Finally!
Rishabh: but Reem she is my wife now and
Reem: and what? Don't tell me you have feelings now!
Rishabh stares at her quietly while thinking about all his moments with Pratha...

As hard as the day had been for her, she kept going with all the preparations. Mahek comes to her:
Pratha: Didi, you want anything?
Mahek: you love him so much don't you?
Pratha: how does it matter? I want him to get married now so I can leave from here.
Mahek: I think he loves you too
Pratha: he will forget about me when him and R...
She couldn't finish her sentence because tears started streaming through her eyes.
Mahek: are you sure about this?
Pratha nods sadly.

To be Continued...

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