VII [Not Edited]

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Katherine Morgan.

July 1st, 2012.


I was tired, I hadn't slept since the nightmare. From the emotional roller coaster I had just been on, to the physical pain that my powers and my punching caused, I was exhausted. I had been in my room all day, I had only gone from my room to the small kitchen on my floor to get some tea or coffee, then back to my room. I ended up taking down all the pictures that had Bucky in them, which was most of the bigger ones. I put them in a box, then I folded up his sweatshirt and nicely put it in as well. Then I put the card he gave me on Easter on top of the jacket. Lastly, I took the necklace off and let it pool in the middle of the card. I closed the box and wrote a quick note.

"We could have had it all."

I took a deep breath, I wanted everything that had him or involved him out. I didn't want to feel it or see it anymore. "Hey F, where is Bucky?"

"Ms. Potts kicked him out of the tower for the day, he was allowed to return at noon. He has yet to come back."

"Okay thank you." I froze knowing that his door would be locked. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Of course ma'am, what do you need?"

"Could you possible unlock his door? I just need to put this in there."

I opened my door with the box in hand, I quickly walked to his room before FRIDAY talked again. "I'm sorry Miss Morgan but I'm really not allowed to."

Damn. Now how am I supposed to get this in— *Click* I lightly turned the knob and the door opened. I smirked and looked up at the roof, "I owe you." She may be an AI but I like to think she understands to an extent what is actually happening and she has some kind of feelings.

I walked in and quickly set the box down on his bed, the note laying neatly on top. I left the room and heard the door click behind me. Now I need to find something to keep me busy. Work. I can work. Tony is probably drowning in work, Pepper too. They'll have something for me to do. I threw my hair up in a claw clip and got some proper clothes on and made my way down to their offices. They were both on the same floor so it would be an easy find. I checked Tony's office first, but he wasn't there. I went to Peppers and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I slowly peeked my head in and saw both Tony and Pepper in there, perfect. "Hey sweetie, what's up?"

I gave her a small smile and walked all the way in, I shut the door as I spoke, "hey, I was wondering if there was anything you need help with."

"Of course, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just need a distraction."

"What do you want to do? You can do some filing, or you could run errands, you could give mail and checks out. What sounds good?" Tony added in, he was going through some kind of filing cabinet in the back of the room.

"Whatever will keep me busy." I shrugged and rocked on my feet. I just needed something so that I wasn't sulking in my room.

They both nodded understandingly, "okay how about this, we'll start you off easy. Run a couple of the errands and when you're done with those, and you still want to do more I'll teach you how to do that." Pepper stood from her seat and made her way over. She rubbed Tony on the back before she got to me.


She took me to another room and started looking through a notepad. She gave me a folded piece of paper with a smile. "Here is a list of things that we need more of. Most if not all of it is for the lab, some is for the business. Take as long as you want, if you get something wrong it's no big deal." She handed me a small card next, "here's a credit card, if you need anything feel free to get it." We smiled at each other as I put the note in my pocket and the card in my phone case. I wasn't about to lose that.

Esmeray // Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now