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As soon as their professor left the lecture hall, Dayeon hastily gathered her things from her desk and stood up at once, aiming to leave the room quickly without anyone noticing.

"Someone's excited for her date," someone said in a sing-song manner behind her, making Dayeon stop in her tracks and unconsciously sigh while rolling her eyes.

"For the nth time, it's not a date," Dayeon answered, turning around to face Youngeun, Bahiyyih, and Hikaru, who were all grinning at her widely since early morning when she told them about her meet up with Chaehyun. "And please be quiet, someone might hear you and think it's real."

The three girls just laughed at Dayeon in return and bid her "good luck" as she stepped out of the room, which, if anything, only made her even more nervous than before. Not wanting to back out 10 minutes before their agreed-upon time, Dayeon pushed the thought of finally talking to her former best friend after more than a year out of her mind and ran towards the cafe as fast as she could.


Chaehyun wasn't there yet when Dayeon arrived, which was a relief as the latter hadn't practiced yet on how she'll approach the former in a not-so-awkward way. Instead, Dayeon went to the counter, where she was greeted by an enthusiastic Yujin in a cute bunny apron. She immediately told the other girl about her and Chaehyun's planned meeting, which made Yujin's eyes sparkle in delight.

"I'm glad you're already planning for our Christmas Party, Dayeon-ah. Because of this, your first drink is free," Yujin said, winking at Dayeon as she handed her receipt. "Oh, and it looks like Chaehyun has arrived."

Suddenly feeling cold after hearing Yujin's last statement, Dayeon hesitantly turned her head towards the entrance of the cafe. There, she saw a familiar girl wearing a white top and jeans paired with a blue cardigan and a white beret pushing open the glass doors and entering the shop.



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The girl waved at Yujin briefly before turning her attention to Dayeon, locking eyes with her for half a second before she averted her gaze and walked straight towards an empty table at a far-end corner.

Without a word, Dayeon grabbed her receipt and drink, and followed Chaehyun.


"How about camping?"

That was the third line Dayeon had spoken-and the first one that was not a single word-since she sat on the chair opposite Chaehyun's 20 minutes ago.

They didn't even greet each other. As soon as Dayeon reached the table, Chaehyun immediately pulled out her laptop and began talking about the general plans for the party. From then on, the older girl had been scribbling notes non-stop on her ipad and had not once bothered to look at the younger girl's direction. Dayeon, on the other hand, focused her attention on the screen of the laptop, which was showing pictures of various locations they could rent for the party.

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