3 - Rory

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Music filled my ears when I finally got my Bluetooth speaker to work. After struggling with it for about ten minutes, my favourite song suddenly blasted through the speaker. I stared with wide eyes at my open door as I lowered the volume immensely, hoping that the sudden beats wouldn't wake up Ella who had been napping on the couch. It was four in the afternoon, she woke up a few hours ago but hey, who am I to judge. I'm her apparent step-daughter? As far as I'm concerned, Ella is my father's current girlfriend. Within a year they will have fought multiple times and have broken up. This will be a short-lived relationship for sure if I know anything about my dad.

I put a few songs in the queue of my songs and stood up, getting the few books I bought at the bookstore the previous day. I only had a few hours of school in the morning, so this afternoon wasn't really eventful.
Jeongin's friends were nice, that's what I had concluded from the conversations I've had. Chan is very nice and, just like Hyunjin, very excited that I want to join their dance team. Even giving my number so we could stay in contact better. When Jeongin said they were desperate for another member they weren't lying. It turned out that Seungmin loved books as well, so you know I would be striking up a conversation with him. I hadn't really talked to the rest of them, but I'm sure that I'll meet them again. I did have some worries about one of Jeongin's friends. But I just don't remember his name. I just remember his brother being a dick and him looking very uncomfortable. Maybe I should ask Jeongin if that guy is okay...? He's a grown man and he can look out for himself, but just a little worry couldn't hurt, right?

My music got rudely interrupted when the facetime music blasted from my laptop. I grumbled, throwing the books somewhere on the bookshelves before I got to the laptop and glanced at who was calling. I answered when I saw Jeongin's caller ID.

'Ayo fucker!' he screamed, making me flinch at the sudden loud voice.

'Now that's just rude.' I grumble as I turned the volume down a little and paused the music. 'What do you want?' I asked as I played with the settings of the LED lights.

'I wanted to ask what you think of my friends,' Jeongin spoke. 'I hadn't really gotten a chance to speak with you after we met them.' I hummed slowly. 'So, what did you think?'

'I think they're nice,' I told him, retelling my thoughts of just a few minutes ago. 'Chan was really excited when we talked about the dance team.' Jeongin nodded furiously. 'So was Hyunjin,'

'Hyunjin was obsessed over your cry for me cover,' Jeongin whined. 'Oh god- he couldn't stop talking about it. "Her expressions are so nice! Her moves are so sharp! I love this style on her! Those tattoos as well! She could work on finishing the moves a bit more, but she looks so good you don't even see that"!' Jeongin scowled. I chuckled at his frustration.

'I'm so glad that you support my dancing, just like Hyunjin does.'

'Of course, I'm the one who sent them the videos.'

'Because you filmed them!' Jeongin shrugged, going through his phone. As we were both calling through the laptop, we could just scroll through our Instagram feed and do all other sorts of things on the phone. Should I ask about that guy? Or is it really not my business?

'And the others? What did you think about them?' Jeongin asked, glancing from his phone at me.

'I can't remember all of them,' I said in honesty. 'I didn't really have a deep conversation with every single one of them. Seugnmin and I share the same passion for books!' Jeongin whined.

'Please, he cannot stop talking about books,' he complained. 'you and he will be best friends.' I chuckled at his constant complaints. I thought about the guy from yesterday once again. I really don't want to meddle with what's going on with him and his brother, but after defining him, I'm afraid I already meddled enough...

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