Novus Ferus

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Novus Ferus

by chaw2x

Chapter 1

There is commotion inside the castle, the King is about to choose his heir to the throne, it is either his sons or his nephews. He poured something in his golden cup and raised it high. His sons Onew, Minho and Taemin looked up. His nephews Jonghyun and Key looked up. They know that this will determine their fate as the rightful heir to the throne of the Ferus. They all drank from the cup, the reddish fluid in it tasted funny to all of them until Minho started coughing, Jonghyun and Onew started to spit the fluid out. Taemin and Key looked at each other, the King made them take another sip from the cup, Key couldn’t  hold it anymore and started coughing as well, he was in pain and his stomach is killing him, so he started vomiting.

“Aah…Taemin my son…so indeed you are the one” said the King with a smile.

“This is the blood of my queen, the blood that determined me as King, the council decided that this would also be the blood that will determine the rightful heir to the throne.”

There were howls and cheering heard, Taemin is the next heir to throne of the Ferus. A clan of beautiful beings with special capabilities and form, some of them help humans with other creatures that disturb the peace between the contract of the ancestors. A contract that deals with the rights of every beings that was made by the council of the humans and the other beings such as the Ferus. While other Feruses destroy the peace itself, they eat the humans and feed on their blood.

After the ceremony, Taemin still couldn’t believe he would be the heir, the King his father asked him to go to the royal chamber to tell him something about his “requirements”. He knocked on the door.

“Come in my child” said the King. “You do know you have to find your mate soon right?”

“Mate? What!? “Taemin asked confuse, the King walked towards him and smacked his head with a book, Taemin almost shed a tear with the pain in his head throbbing crazy.

“My son! Don’t play games with me! You perfectly know what I mean, if you don’t find your mate soon you will not be crowned King, your mate is just as important as you are!”

“But-but…how will I know who she is? What she is!” Taemin complained scratching his head.

“Well your mother is a human, and it’s her blood that determines you are the rightful heir, so that means your mate is a human too! How do you find her? You will know, her scent is different from all the other girls, and when you taste her blood it’s the best among all the things you ever tasted”

“Well that’s hard! There are like thousands of girls here!” Taemin complained again, this time his father pinched him, Taemin squealed. “Alright! Alright! I will use my senses sheesh!”

“Ugh I hate pressure”. Taemin knows he needs to grow up and stand for himself, especially now that he has obligations, but he needs to find his mate soon before anyone does. His brothers and cousins might still be jealous of him being the heir, so he needs to be discreet of his actions so that they can’t do any harm to him and his mate. He trusts Onew though, they are quite close while Minho is someone who likes being on his own so they never had time to know each other. His cousins Key and Jonghyun, as he remembered them well are very aggressive beings. Jonghyun is his playmate when they were young though, while Taemin is always rivals with Key, the one that is jealous of him all the time. Taemin started thinking…there is a new school year coming and he hopes that there will be new students coming, he knows all the girls in the academy already. Well not really know them, but he knows they didn’t even give him a single hint that they would be his mate; they were never that special in his eyes.

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