Chapter Two

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After I had parked my car, I stepped inside the restaurant.

"Do you have a reservation?" The young girl at the entrance asked, with a bright smile on her face.

I nodded and a good looking waiter guided me to my table.

The dark restaurant was covered in blue modern details and the huge bar added to its romantic ambiance.

The waiter handed me the menu and I could clearly tell that he was a little confused that I was alone. I nodded him off and shifted my gaze on the menu.

It was hard for me to decide, especially since Italian food was my favorite. I spent fifteen minutes straight to just choose a pasta dish. Eventually, I ended up ordering Fettuccine Alfredo. It was so god damn delicious.

My dessert got interrupted by a phone call from Casey. But it wasn't really her thing to call me while I was out. Except for emergencies.

"Selina, I'm so so sorry, I- " she stuttered on the other side of the phone.

"Are you alright?"

"It's Enzo. I caught him with- "
I interrupted her with a loud cough. I wasn't prepared for what was coming next.

"Go on," I told her.

She took a deep breath before finishing her sentence.

"I caught him with Aiysha. They were- They were making out in your bedroom. I'm so sorry."

The air thickened after these words. I got cheated on. With my cousin. In my bedroom. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't really love Enzo, but the fact that I got cheated on was just too much to swallow.

I believed Casey, but something in me just wanted to see proof of it. I knew that she tried to warn me of his disloyalness, but I thought that she was just worried about me. However, this was something that needed to be proven.

"Do you have proof?" I asked her, a tear dropping down my cheek. My ego was hurt and I had the right to cry.

"Yeah," she mumbled.

The next minute she sent me a video of Enzo fucking my cousin Aiysha. The worst part about this was that Casey had warned me multiple times about this.

I couldn't dare to finish watching the video. More tears started to drop down my face as I hung up the phone.

After I quickly payed for dinner, I moved to the bar of the restaurant. I sat on one of the big black stools and ordered a strong whiskey. My American body shouldn't drink alcohol in Europe, but I just needed it so much.

After five more drinks, I started to feel numb and dizzy. But it just wasn't enough. I ordered the sixth drink.

"Are you alright?", the bartender asked me.But I was too drunk to answer.

"Alright.. I'll just leave," I said after finishing eleven drinks.

I headed for the exit door but I couldn't really keep my balance, so I had to hold on to empty tables and chairs to steady myself. The restaurant was half empty anyway.

People were staring at me and even the valet guy hesitated to hand me my car keys.

"You shouldn't really drive like this, Madame,"he said.

I laughed awkwardly at his hesitation and tried to reach for the keys in his hands.

"I'll take care of her," a familiar voice said out of nowhere. A tall man appeared right infront of me. I didn't know who he was and why he was helping me, but his voice was just so familiar.

As I let go of the valet guy, I lost my balance and fell right into the unknown helper's arms.
"Careful," he softly said as he put me on my feet again. I still had to grab his waist for proper balance though.

He took the keys from the valet guy, but we moved away from my car. We walked a bit until we reached a white Porsche Cayenne.

"Are you kidnapping me?", I asked sarcastically and let out a loud laugh. He didn't answer my question and shoved me into the back seats. Carefully, he put on my safety belt and sat himself on the driver's seat.

"Where do you live?" he softly asked. Unfortunately, I was too drunk to answer.

"I don't know," I mumbled under my breath.

He pulled the car to the side to ask me for my purse.

"Can I have your purse, please?"

I handed him my tiny purse and luckily he didn't steal my money or anything else. He checked the room card to find out what hotel I was staying in.

He pulled the car back on the road and after thirty minutes we arrived at my hotel. He took me out of the car and placed my arm on his shoulder for my balance. He had an almost addicting scent. God, I really wanted to inject that shit into my veins.

When we entered the foyer, people started to look at us weirdly. But they were mostly looking at the guy next to me. It was late, so there weren't much people, only a few girls. They started to whisper and chuckle when they saw him. I couldn't explain it to myself why we were the centre of attention in this big ass hotel.

Getting rid of the weird looks, we finally entered the elevator.

"Why were they looking at you like that?" I asked.

He chuckled softly.

"Probably just some fans," he then answered.

Fans? He was either famous or a self centred narcissist. Or both.
But I was too drunk to think about the possibilities.

When we arrived on my floor, I saw tall Blondie again. This time he was leaving his room with a brunette. So he was that type of guy.

I waved at him before we entered my suite.

"Alright, let's get you to bed," the guy said, putting me on my bed. He took off my shoes, but right before he could place my legs on the king size bed I immediately stood up, having to vomit. Ew.

I ran into the bathroom, the stranger being right behind me. He carefully held my arms as I threw myself on the floor in front of the toilet and placed my head into it. Meanwhile he held my hair in his large hand and secured my neck with the other. This was so embarrassing. Fuck.
As I vomited, I also cried and laughed at the same time. My mind was still blurry and I started asking weird questions.

"If you could fuck any girl in the world, who would it be?"

He didn't answer my question. Instead, he just laughed.

When I was done, he pulled me back up and I fell right into his arms. I wasn't fully asleep, but my eyelids went heavier and my body was exhausted by the amount of alcohol I had consumed.

He carried me back into the bed. As he was about to go, I grabbed him by his arm, my eyes still closed.

"Don't leave me," I said.

He carefully freed his arm from my grip and lowered himself to be on the same height as me.

"It's alright. You should sleep now,"he whispered.

I could feel his warm breath on my skin. His scent was still in my nostrils.

The door shut and I immediately fell asleep.

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