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"Hey!!" He jumped up from his seat holding her hand but it was too late . He gave her a murdurous look" Why'd you do that? " He whined and she just shrugged " I told you to cut down on alcohol Sunny. But it doesn't look like . " She said eyeing the beer bottle she had just dumped in the dustbin
" I m trying " He pointed out and sat beside her grunpily
" I can see . I would never drink that even if it was the last drink on the planet." She shook her head
" It's not that bad . I don't know why you hate alcohol that much. Have you ever tried it ?" He looked at her and her face visibly paled a little
" I just don't want you to get addicted okay ? And no .I have never tried and would never do " She said not meeting his eyes " What is it ? Why are you so against me or you yourself drinking this. I mean it's not like you don't smoke. It hazardous to health too, if you are concerned about health. That is " He looked at her keenly making her concious
" I'm sorry. I umm... just ..it's " She sighed " My father.., he umm... was an alcoholic. So " She stammered and he immediately gathered her in his arms
" It's okay. I promise i going to cut it down . Hmm?" He whispered as she kept her head on his chest and hummed along.


4:00 P.M

Karan entered her house with the spare he had been given . He looked around in the darkness trying to find the lights button. But decided against it . He opened his phone torch and walked towards the room where his stuff was kept .

" What are you doing here " He jumped at the low voice and his hand went up to his heart . To say he was terrified at the sudden voice was an understatement. He looked at the side , living room almost dark , just a bit of light peeking from the drawn curtains dimly lit the room .

He composed himself stauntered towards her a little , stopping at a little distance from the coffee table kept ahead of the couch she was sitting on .

" I left some of my stuff. Just came to get it " He put his hands in his pockets and shifted a little on his feet getting no reply. She nodded but he couldn't see that due to darkness .

" Go ahead " Her voice came out slurry and he frowned a little . He turned to go the bedroom but something made him stop . Maybe it was the fact that it was unusual of her to be here ,speacially at office hours . It was definitely odd of her to react that calmy seeing he had entered her house unnounced behind her back. Not to mention her vocie was low and slurry too.

He turned back and forwarded towards her . The sweet and distinct odor of alcohol filled in his senses and his eyebrows instinctly srunched up in confusion and horror. ' Was she drinking ?'

He went behind the sofa and pulled the curtains open lightening up the hall a little. His eyes widened when his guess turned right . She was sitting with her shoulders slumped ,her hair were a mess as he looked at her from the behind. A glass of the drink settled on the table as she aimlessly stared at it as her one hand kept tracing the outline of the glass.

" Are you drinking? " He felt stupid the moment he asked the question . Ofcourse she was , she wouldn't sit with the glass in her hand if she wasn't going to drink it at all. He didn't what happened. But he guessed it must be something huge for her to touch alcohol. He remembered she had once mentioned her father was alcoholic and that was the reason she didn't like him drinking and why she never dranm herself .

His hand stretched out to take the glass from her hands and set it aside. She didn't notice that however. She was still staring ahead , as if she hadn't even realised he was there .

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