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Manik was sleeping on his stomach with his hair all messed up... his half body covered with the duvet and the upper half was on display when nandini came out of the washroom and looked at her husband eventually a smile came up on her lips and putting the towel away on the side she walked to the bed and sitting beside him moved her hands in his hair... she ruffled them a bit before kissing his cheek... "I Love You Manik!"

She wispered in his ear making him move in his sleep with a groan.... he opened his eyes a bit to see nandini's smiling face.... smiling he closed his eyes and pulled nandini to lay down beside him... "taking advantage of your sleeping husband?"

He asked in his husky voice making nandini smile and she said... "my husband is mine, so what advantages?"

Manik smiled with his closed eyes and gave a kiss on her head before hugging her... and nandini not being a nagging wife laid down in his embrace with a smile even knowing that they will be late...


Here downstairs Neyonika was all up sitting in the living room with Aradhaya, Manvik and Vansh sitting on the floor with 2 years Sameera trying to make her take her first step... "meeru come to me!"

Manvik spoke sitting in front her as Sameera looked at him standing with the help of Aradhaya... she shirked in happiness and tried to take the first step as Aradhaya left her hand but Sameera stumbled on her steps and fell down but was immediately caught by Aradhaya... "uhh!"

Sameera voiced out looking at Aradhaya who smiling kissed her head before making her stand again... but before they could try again Ansh and Misha came down from the stairs all dressed up for the day with a smile... they went and sat on the couch when Ansh smiled looking at Sameera calling her... "hey meeru!"

Sameera looked up at Ansh from Manvik and let out a happy shout before wiggling her arms in Aradhaya's grip asking her to leave... Ansh blinked his eyes at Aradhaya who left Sameera's arms slowly and she took a step forward but stumbled a bit but then taking two more fast steps she fell in Ansh's arms laughing loudly.... Ansh too laughed with her hugging her... "aww my baby took her first step!"

Misha cooed Sameera and she smiled putting her hand in her mouth sitting in Ansh lap and Vansh spoke... "and I recorded it perfectly!"

He gave a proud smile to everyone as she showed them the video he same in his camera... They all smiled at it when Ansh asked... "mama baba?"

Manvik looked at him and gave Ansh a smirking smile... who smirked back and Vansh jumped in excitement looking at their smirks... Aradhaya too gave them thumbs up and Ansh placed his hands on Sameera's ear making her look at him and soon enough a loud voice rang yet again in the mansion... "BABA!"

Manik who was busy sleeping in his wife's arms sat up in a blink listening to their shouts... nandini to was taken back by the shout and looked at manik who huffed looking at her... "why they don't let me spend some time with my wife?"

Nandini too pouted as she was feeling so good in his arms... but nevertheless they woke up and as manik got ready they walked down to the living room... "what's going on?"

Manik asked felling beside his mother on the couch while nandini went to see their breakfast... all of them looked at manik and vansh ran to his father sitting beside him showed him the video saying... "look baba, Sameera took her first step!"

Manik smiled looking at the video and then looked at Sameera who was sitting across him... so he called the little girl as she was all busy playing with her father's shirt buttons... "meera princess!"

Sameera looked up listening her name while Misha smilingly stood up and went to the kitchen to see nandini... while sameera smiled looking at manik... "hey!"

Manik said again and this time Sameera shouted happily making manik get up and take her in his arms....


Nandini stood leaning to the backyard window looking at her family playing with water in the back yard.... but she was looking at one particular person, her husband with so much love when Neyonika came there and looking at nandini asked her... "kya dekh rhi ho nandu?"

Nandini smiled looking at manik who twirled the litle sameera in his arms and spoke... "manik ko!"

Then she glanced at Neyonika before looking back and spoke... "you raised a beautiful person from inside mama, I am so blessed to have him in my life, Till now i get shivers in my body thinking my life without him! Agar wo na hota to mein maar jati mom!"

Nandini said with truthfulness in her voice.... Neyonika just placed her hand on nandini's shoulder and looking at her son... "you know when he called me mom for the first time i was on clouds, i never knew the mere word could make you feel this happy from inside, he always used to say that he loved me, and he even proved it every single time! My manik is a gem just like his name!"

Nandini nodded her head slightly when manik looked up at his two important women of his life and passed them a smile before he took the water pipe from Ansh and pointed in towards nandini who immediately spoke... "manik don't!"

Manik smirked and nandini was about to go inside but before that she was pulled out in the lawn by Vansh and Manvik and the next second manik drenched her in the water before throwing away the pipe as nandini looked at him with a glare and ran behind him... everyone laughed looking at them while playing with water.... Neyonika looked at her family and smiling prayed for their happiness for all their life....


And here we wrap up the story!
Thank you for supporting this book!
Thou it took me year to complete this story even it was short!
From here its a bye!
See you all with other stories!


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