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After that one night, the triplets and the girls spent almost every day with each other. They grew so close in such a short period of time. It had been almost 3 months since they became friends. Matt and Venus would flirt all the time and to a stranger one might've said they were a couple. They would all film together regularly and both channels were blowing up, they would all get around half a million views per video and when they filmed together; almost 2 million each time. They were all the happiest they could ever be, everything was going according to plan and the girls dreams of being famous and living together were all coming true.

Venus was laying on her bed trying to edit a video but failing miserably, Laylah and Divina had gone out with Nick and Chris and left Venus to do the editing which was hard as Divina usually did that. Matt stayed behind to keep Venus company.

She heard a knock on the door, "Matt, why are you knocking when you literally just left to go get water?" she laughed.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm just such a gentleman," he teased.

"Yeah okkkk."

"Are you almost done because I wanna watch a movie."

"Yeah in like 10 mins probs, just watch something on your phone for now." He threw himself onto the bed and cuddled up next to Venus. They both felt so relaxed and safe in each others company and that was the best thing about their relationship, they thought.

"V, are you talking to anyone at the moment?" he asked curiously.

"No, are you?"

"No, I'm just thinking; do you like anyone at the moment?"

"Yeah actually," she looked at him to see his reaction.


"I'm not saying right now, do you like anyone?"

"Yeah actuallyyy," he repeated.

"You're so annoying," she replied.

"Ok, so what if i like someone and i'm not sure if they like me back but theres another person who's already told me they liked me but i've always liked this other person for ages."

"I say you move to the first person, did they give you any hints?" She had a hope that it was her that he was talking about.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure she did."

"Well that's good then, now you know," she replied. She immediately thought, what if i wasn't her he was talking about, she just set her crush up to talk to someone else who wasn't her.

"Why can't you tell me who you like right now?" he asked.

"Ummm," she blushed trying to figure an excuse, "cause i'm editing right now and it's not the right time."

"Is it me?" He asked quietly.

"Huh?" she didn't hear him, "speak up boy i can't hear you," she chuckled.

"Nevermind just carry on editing," he sighed then rested his head on her chest. After half an hour, she finished the video and texted Laylah and Divina that she had finished.

She looked down to see Matt sleeping peacefully, she smiled and kissed his forehead like he does to her. It almost looked as though he smiled in his sleep when she did that but maybe he was just dreaming, she thought. She thought back to the conversation they previously had: why was he so eager to know who she liked? Does he like her? Does he want to move to her? She stopped herself before she began to overthink their whole relationship. It was obvious that she liked him and she made that clear to everyone, never holding back. But she never knew if he liked her back and was just playing along with her. She vowed that she would wait until he said something first about their situation, maybe he was trying to start that conversation earlier and she turned him down, Venus hoped that that wasn't the case.

She grabbed her book from the side table and opened it to where she bookmarked it last. She was reading a classic: the secret garden by Frances Burnett, she would read her favourite scenes to Matt sometimes if ever he asked. She liked when he did, it was like he was interested in all the things she did which warmed her heart and made her like him more. Her hand subconsciously moved its way to his hair and started brushing it out with her fingers whilst she read quietly.

They stayed like this for around another half an hour until he began to stir in his sleep, he moved his head closer into her neck and his arm wrapped around her waist tightly like he didn't want to let go. Finally, he opened his eyes and they locked with Venus'; they stared at each other and then she broke the silence,

"Hey sleepy head, you slept for a good hour you know," she continued to play with his hair.

He hummed sleepily.

"You still wanna watch that movie?" she asked happily.

"I'd love to," he replied, her heart jumping at the sound of his raspy morning voice.

"Come on then," she patted his head trying to get up. They walked over to the long white couch that was so soft you sank into it when you sat. Venus brought her blanket from her room and laid it over Matt as they laid down on the couch.

"What are we feeling today? Horror or classic?" she said in a typical commercial voice.

"Oooo classic definitely," he said enthusiastically, "I know gimme the remote." He put on Sound of Music.

"OMG i haven't watched this one since i was like ten!" She clapped her hands together. He smiled at her.

"It's so good how could you not watch it again."

After the movie was over they were both feeling energetic as they just had a mini concert singing to all the songs in the movie.

"That was some nostalgic shit right there, I'll tell you that!" Venus shouted.

She connected her phone to the speaker and just hit play on her liked songs. Infrunami by Steve Lacy came on.

"This is MY song!" she shouted and started dancing slowly from where she was sitting on the couch. They looked at each other and started singing the lyrics to each other.

"This used to be my smoke song omg," she laughed

"Bro we should definitely smoke together then listen to Steve Lacy," he replied.

"Matt you're gonna make me fall for you if you say shit like this," She continued to laugh but he just smiled at her and felt the familiar butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"That i was blind to see that you were right in front of meeee," they shouted the lyrics together smiling like little children. The song ended and almost just on queue Chris, Laylah, Divina and Nick came through the door.

Authors note

I still have that uncomfy feeling idk what it is. I feel like I just want them all to be friends but thats boring. 

Anyways remember to eat and drink! :)

Be kind to yourself

Love, Deven <3

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