Emotional Night

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Prince POV

Michael was having an emotional night and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong he's like zone me out the picture and no I didn't do anything to him

Michael POV

I have been having an emotional night for the past few days and I haven't even spoken to anyone not even prince I could tell he wanted to cry with me but didn't want to make the situation worse for me

Michael just said that he was going to bed and just left prince sitting there

A Week Later

Prince POV

I just told Michael to talk me it hurts that he's not telling me what's wrong with him and zoning me hurts even more I don't like this feeling I just want him to know that I'm here for him and he can talk to me it's like he doesn't anymore

Michael POV

I feel bad for not speaking to prince about my situations in life I can tell it hurts him it's been a week already he tried so hard not to cry and I couldn't help but give in

Michael gave prince a hug and he knew prince would calm down once he did it

Michael: you feel better

Prince: yes

Michael: ok

Prince: please tell me what wrong

Michael: I have an upper respiratory infection

Prince: what

Michael: so I've been sick for a week

Prince: is that why you didn't tell me

Michael: yes

Prince: I'm sorry

Michael: it's ok don't feel bad it's no one fault

Prince: ok

Michael: yes ....oh that's my doctor now

He opened the door and came to check on Michael

Nurse: you will need ton of rest because it can get severe drink lots of fluids and take some days off ...resting is very important ...I consider you stay home for 4-5 days or even a week if it gets worse don't hesitate to call

Michael: ok thank you ..what about the rashes

Nurse: I already prescribed you some cream that should go away 12-16 weeks

Michael: alright

Prince thanked the doctor and walked her out the door

Soon as prince turned around Michael fell asleep just that fast

Prince picked him up and brought him upstairs to bed for him to rest up

He laid him down in bed and put the covers over him to let him rest up he was going to need his rest

Prince walked back downstairs and made Michael some soup he knew he needed it

A few days later

Michael POV

it's been a few days and things have been very quiet lately which is nice ...prince has been going to meetings and everything

Prince POV

I have been having meetings back to back the tour is coming back soon and I can't wait to get back to work

Soon after he came home to a quiet house Michael was taking a nap upstairs

Prince came to check up on Michael he was so cute when he sleeps so he put the covers over him

A few days later

Michael POV

I am starting to feel better a little bit but I am on bed rest I'm so bored I needed to move around

He got out of bed and moved around the house he was bored out of his life

Prince was out for the day to go visit his mother she asked about Michael and he told her that he's resting up

She was happy to see her son happy after all of the years of having his heart broken he's finally found happiness again

After chatting with his mother he left to come home and check up on Michael once again

Prince: what are you doing

Michael: I had to move around I got bored

Prince: ok

There was a knock on the door it was a package for Michael

Prince: it's for you

Michael: I didn't order anything

He opened the package and it was a suite

Michael: I didn't order this

Prince: who sent it

Michael: I don't know

He found a note and suddenly The suite cut him

Prince: oh my god ...are you ok

Michael was losing blood the one thing prince had to do was suck his blood to heal him

Prince: it's ok I'm right here your going to be alright

He held onto Michael and let his blood flow in him the bleeding stopped

Prince: you feel ok

Michael: yes thank you

Prince: your welcome

Michael came and cleaned up his own blood with the help of prince of course

Prince was so glade that he made it in time to help Michael and they got rid of the package most likely burned it

Whoever did it was out for Michael and he knew so he had to tell prince

Prince: why are people always coming for you

Michael: I don't know I didn't do anything to anyone

Prince: I know you didn't ...or maybe they are jealous of you

Michael: that's what I'm thinking maybe that's why they're to get rid of me

Prince: not if I'm around they won't

Michael: I know

The person really was jealous of Michael for  no apparent reason at all but with prince he knew he wouldn't make it out because prince didn't play about Michael

Michael knew that prince was protective over him he didn't play games when it came down to him but he really appreciate it

Michael: but I'll be fine

Prince: I know ...we'll get some rest I'll check the house

Michael: alright

He got some rest and prince came to check the house to make sure nobody was inside the house...he turned on the security system then he came back upstairs to end his day

Michael was already in a deep sleep as he heard prince heading to the bathroom

After he finished his hour of showering he brushed his teeth and came to bed

He turned the light off kissed Michael a goodnight and fell asleep

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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