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Cat found Jaden in the kitchen that morning. "Wanna fuck with someone?" She asked, Jaden smirked and went to grab the bucket from the shed. Meanwhile, Cat snuck into Bryce's room, he was still asleep, Jaden appeared behind her with the bucket of water, the two snickered and Cat took her phone out to record.

However, Bryce shot immediately, grabbed the Nerf water gun from under his pillow and shot at the two, Cat screamed and ran out the room, slipping downstairs and hiding in the pantry.

"Oh what a mistake that was," a voice whispered, Cat screamed as a pair of arms wrapped her body, and threw her over their shoulder, she punched the person's back as they walked out the sliding glass door and onto the patio. "No!" Cat shouted as the person launched her into the pool, she floated back up and stared at the person.

Vinnie Hacker stood there laughing his ass off.

"You little shit!" Cat shouted, turning as Jaden was thrown to his defeat.

Vinnie let a sigh escape his lips as he leaned down to help her out, the tiny blonde smirked, grabbed his hand, and yanked him into the water. When he broke the surface he splashed water into her face, making her cough, the two did this for a few minutes before Kio teased, "Cat and Vinnie sitting a tree—"

"Are you seven?" Cat snapped splashing him with water.

"I for one ship it." Jaden confirmed, so did everyone else, Cat felt her cheeks heat up, was she hearing this correctly?

"Bro you're blushing!" Bryce shouted, Cat shot him a glare. "No I'm not, fuck your guys!" She snapped and stormed back inside, everyone turned to Vinnie, who rolled his eyes, and got out the pool, he followed Cat to her room, but she slammed the door and locked it.

"Cat, it's me, open the door."

"No, go the fuck away!"

Vinnie sighed, knocking again. "Cat don't make me tickle you."

Inside the room and in the bathroom, Cat sat on the toilet groaning in annoyance. We're men that blind?

"Vinnie, for real, go away!"

Sometime later, Vinnie grew irritated and called up Addison, who appeared in minutes, and of course Cat let her in.

"She's on her period, just leave her alone."

Vinnie blinked. "Is that anything I can do?"

Addison bit lip, thus began the ultimate gift package of the century.

When Cat received the basket she thanked the two, Addison headed home, and Cat asked Vinnie to stay behind. There was a silence between them, Cat sighed finally breaking it, "How are you?"

"Uh...good I guess."

"I'm not actually on my period," she responded, "I only said that because the guys wouldn't bother me."

Vinnie laughed, "I know, your period was last week."

Silence again.



"I—no nevermind it's dumb."

"What's dumb? Tell me."

Cat shook her head, but Vinnie insisted, making the girl even more upset.

"Stop, it's dumb."

So he didn't go on, which Cat was okay with.

Why did crushing have to be so complicated?

As more time went on, a lot started changing within the content house, Jaden moved out, Cat found her own apartment, Vinnie moved in with the Hype House, and Sway pretty much stopped existing.

When Cat pulled into her apartment complex that afternoon, she found Vinnie waiting outside the door, a bouquet of roses in hand. "Hey, little house warming gift." He said cheekily. "Thanks," the blonde replied, opening the door, "wanna come in?"

Vinnie shook his head. "I got stuff to do, maybe next time."

"Oh okay, well bye," she went to close the door, but Vinnie put his foot out to stop it. "Do you wanna go do something tonight?"

Cat smiled. "Sure."

"It's a date—wait no—I—"

"It's a date."

When Cat closed the door, Vinnie screamed internally.

"It's a date," he whispered that saying until the came.

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