Alayn the Shit Archer

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Sansa finally had the courage to ride alongside Stranger that day and she tried to make conversation with Sandor as they trotted.
"Shut the bloody hell up!" He said finally and Sansa went back to riding behind. When they made camp that night she wondered if the Sandor was still angry at her. She figured not when she made camp, cleaned all the game, and watered the horses, well just her horse. Stanger was still bad to her. She was getting sick of eating rabbits and birds. She started craving the thick stews, warm bread, and her favorite Lemon cakes back at Kingslanding. Maybe that was the only thing she missed. After she had eaten she finally asked Sandor.
"Can you please teach me to shoot now?" Sandor grunted and nodded to his saddle where his bow was strapped. She untied it and held it in her hand. She pulled back the string despite it being empty when Sandor gave an angry yell.
"Don't dry fire." He said. "You'll damage it." She immediately stopped feeling stupid. "Get a bloody arrow and shoot at that tree." She obeyed and notched the arrow. She hoped she had done it right but the Hound didn't say anything from where he was sitting she proceeded and pulled back the string. She aimed at the tree and let go. The arrow went forward a few centimeters before falling flat on the earth. Sandor clapped.
"And that is how to squash our bug with a bow." He said dramatically.
"It was my first attempt," Sansa argued. "A bet yours wouldn't have been any better."
"My first attempt hit a man straight in the head through his helmet." Sansa made an irritated noise and tried again. This time it hurtled forward and dived into the dirt a few yards from the tree she was aiming at.
"Did you see that!" She said excitedly.
"Not terrible Alayn. Still absolutely shit though." She smiled at the rough attempt at a compliment. "Better than Joffery." He added.
"I wish I could kill him!" Sansa said shocked at the brutality of her words. "What did he say when you left him in the battle?" She asked.
"Nothing. He was shocked when I told him to fuck off." Sandor sniggered and Sansa found herself laughing. She was beginning to sound like Arya. She decided to ask about her.
"You haven't heard anything about my sister have you?" She asked.
"No more than you Alayn. She's probably dead."
"I know, but I miss her," Sandor grumbled irritated.
"I'm taking you to your brother and mother. Is that not good enough!"
"Of course it is! I meant no offense." Sansa replied. Sandor rolled his eyes. "You gonna shoot that bow?"
"Of course!" She picked it up and began shooting again. When it grew dark she stopped in fear of losing the arrows and sat by the fire. "What happens tomorrow Alayn, don't judge me by it," Sandor said. "What do you mean?" Sansa said suddenly scared. Sandor didn't answer and threw her the blanket."Goodnight." He said roughly. Sansa lay awake listening to his snoring. Eventually, she fell asleep focusing her thoughts on home. They hadn't been riding very long when Sandor stopped them. Sansa who was riding behind walked her horse up to Stranger."Put your hair up." The Hound ordered. Sansa obeyed confused and a little worried. "And your hood too." She did what she was told and looked over at Sandor. He then walked Stranger a little further down the road and Sansa realized where he taking them. There was a little farmhouse with goats and chickens scattered around it. Sandor dismounted and tied Stranger to a tree before barging into the house with his sword in hand. There was a woman's scream and a baby's cry coming from inside before Sansa dismounted. She tied her horse to a tree and unstrapped the bow and quiver from Sandor's saddle despite Stranger's attempted bites. She notched an arrow and walked into the house. The woman was screaming as Sador held his sword at her while he calmly began taking things. The women had not yet seen Sansa yet but the Hound did and gave her a glare. She was suddenly alerted to footsteps behind her and she spun around and drew back the bow. An angry man stopped in his tracks and put down the pitchfork he had been brandishing. Sansa knew from this distance it would be highly unlikely that she could actually hit the man but she tried to look as confident as possible. "Alayn." Sandor's rough voice echoed out from the house.
"I'm bloody busy you fucking shit!" Sansa said trying to make her voice sound as unladylike as possible. Sandor poked his head out of the door and smiled. "What do we have here?" He said when he saw what she was doing. "I'm impressed!" Despite the circumstances, Sansa still enjoyed the compliment. "Gonna kill him?" He asked. Sansa went rigid. She did not want to kill this man. She new that. But Sandor wanted her too. Was killing this man the right thing to do? She wondered.
"No." She said to Sandor. "He doesn't deserve death."
"Horse shit." Muttered Sandor. "I'll kill him then and you gather the stuff." He told her. Finally Sansa was able to find her voice.
"Tie him up. His wife too." Sansa instructed. Sandor looked like he wanted to argue but held his tongue. He brought out the woman and her babe and with a stiff rope, he bound their hands around the trees."Get more dresses. Whatever you need." Sandor told her as he began to carry bags of food to his horse. She entered the house and went straight to the tiny bedroom to the wardrobe. She took three out of five dresses from the cupboard. She felt incredibly guilty but she promised herself that she would pay these people back when she got back to Robb. She changed her dress leaving the old one folded neatly on the bed. She also took some cloths for her moon blood and a spare blanket from the bed. When she left the house Sandor had already stolen another horse. He was throwing all the good on it as the people screamed in protest. Sansa tried to block them out like they didn't matter but guilt clawed at her throat. After what seemed like a year Sandor called Sansa into the barn. She entered it and he handed her a bow and a quiver of arrows."You've earned it." He said. Sansa said nothing and followed him outside and to the horse. She mounted up, her bow still in hand and her arrows strapped to her saddle. Sandor did the same leading the new pony with him. Sansa cantered over to the people and used her knife to cut the rope to free the people."You will be repaid." She said quickly. Before they were completely untangled she was already gone, following Stranger's tail.

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