Chapter 1: Finding You

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In the early 30's, Born in Seoul a guy named Song Daewon was a detective at Seoul Yungsan police station looking for a mysterious man that he's been looking for about 7 years. He still hasn't got any progress done as he was being distracted by him. He looks at his keyboard with a blank stare and slams his head on the keys.

"Ugh I'm not ever gonna get any work done with this guy I'm still trying to find. Man what crimes has he done in the past." He sulks as his coworker approaches him with a cup of coffee in her hand. She asks him,

"Hey Daewon you've been trying to catch this guy for a while. Can't you lay low for a bit and try to focus on other cases for now?" He lifts up his head and grabs the coffee from Min Sun-jung hands sipping it gracefully.

"I told you what If he does something else bad I still have to keep an eye on him. Dong Hyun is his name and he apparently been in this secret mafia team that I've known about for years but I've been such a pussy about it!" She laughs a bit as his face starts to turn bright red as she whispered something into his ear,
"Oh is it because you're secretly in love with him?"

"AS IF! STOP TEASING ME SUN-JUNG!" She felt bad a bit after Daewon got out of his chair and went outside the station. Soon his other coworker approached Sun-Jung.
"Hey what's up with him?" says Chang Jaesang. She just shook her shoulders and said, "He's gone crazy with that mafia guy again. I knew he was his lover when I seen it." Jaesang just rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Well no shit I never seen a guy look for a guy for that long." They both sighed and continued to keep on working on their local case.
Later on outside the station Daewon walks with his head down as he walks across the busy street waiting for a car to hit him. Suddenly there was a glimpse of someone shouting at him to get out of the way but he just ignored it...
Moments passed until he just looked at the car coming towards him as suddenly someone jumped in front of him throwing him aside off the street. He passed out knowing what could of happened to him.
A few moments later Daewon opens his eyes seeing a black hair man with a fancy suit screaming at me to wake up.
His arms was shaking him tightly and his face got all red. He finally said to him, "I finally found you Dong Hyun." Then he passed out again in his arms.

-Daewon pov-
A few hours passed and I suddenly gain consciousness again. I looked up and I was in this unfamiliar room with my hands being cuffed in a chair. What the fuck was I getting myself into? Was I being kidnapped?

"Hello is someone there!"

I keep on thinking to myself if Hyun was the one who kidnapped me. Later someone comes in with a key and approaches me slightly.

"Were you expecting me Song Daewon?"

He laughed as he turned on a light revealing his handsome face. He fidgets around with the key as he asked Daewon a question,

"So Daewon how's the progress coming along for me? You find any useful information on me yet?"

"No but when are you gonna uncuff me first Hyun."
He laughs as he got serious.

"You don't have the right to call me Hyun. Only my superior or my boss can call me it!"

I felt a sudden slap across my cheek. It felt good sorta but I didn't want to be in this situation right now.
"I've been trying to catch you for 7 years Dong Hyun. Why let me go now!"

He approached me lifting my chin up and said,
"Oh Song Daewon you have no idea what I'm capable of do you? I could kill you right now if I could but you wouldn't be useful to me would you?"
My face was flustered when he said that to me.

He repeatedly said to me, "I'm giving you a warning Song Daewon don't come back ever again to me unless you want to face severe consequences you hear me?"
His words were too firm for me to hear.
"Dong Hyun please I just need to know if you did these crimes or not. That's all I want to know!"

He smiled at me as he patted my head. "Oh even if I did tell you it wouldn't make a difference cause I'm innocent."


"Says the one that's got cuffed in my own hands. I'm not playing games with you unless you want me but if that's not the reason you're here you can leave."
I truly didn't know what to say to him. Whether my feelings were true to him or not I still wanted to figure out the case to him. He suddenly uncuff me as he walked me out the door until he faced me saying,
"Until I capture your heart I won't tell you anything about me."
Moments later I suddenly went back to the station and went back to my desk working hard on the case than usual. "Man why is he so important to me I'm such an idiot but I can't let my own team down." Every else heard me until the boss came over to me saying,
"Daewon get back to work. Stop focusing on the damn mafia case! I'm tired of hearing it about it." I sighed and apologized to him,
"Sorry boss it won't happen again. He left my desk as I started to write some information down quietly to myself...
Later on back at the secret mafia penthouse Dong Hyun was sitting at his desk looking at the files he been assigned. Later his assistant comes in giving a notice to him,
"Sir Hyun we need to talk about the late mission you had before." He smirks as he had a cup of his tea.

"What about it Hyuk? Can't you see I'm busy working on a special case here?" The assistant slides a piece of paper onto his desk saying,
"The boss wants you to get more information on these people. They may be tracking you Sir and I don't want nothing bad to happen to you."

He sighs as he thought this was ridiculous to think about.
"Who needs protection? I can handle it myself just fine. This is why I'm the main focus of the mafia here. I'm not gonna let anyone down Hyuk."

Jin Hyuk repeatedly asked him, "Sir what if someone from the detective team can help secretly protect you?"

His eyes gazed as he sat up and gave a file to Hyuk.
  "Try to find Song Daewon then will talk about it later. I want you to keep an eye on him as well."
"But Sir he's not a target though? We want to protect you sir." Hyun takes a deep breath and says,
"Nothing will happen to me I promise I have an extra gun to spare and maybe Daewon will be the perfect guy to protect me. He just doesn't know it yet." Hyuk agrees as he took the file from him. "Very well sir I'll look for the guy tomorrow you should get some rest now." He leaves his office as Hyun looks at the picture frame of him and his family.
"I am gonna get revenge when it comes to killing my family. Just you wait I'm coming for you..." he takes a sip of his tea and gets ready for the next morning.

To be continued♧

Authors note:
Hey guys it's Brittany here it's been a long ass time since I wrote something so please if you made it this far hopefully I'll upload more chapters due to my motivation but I hope you readers like my story so far. Let me know what you think of it and I'll see you in the next chapter of "You Captured My Heart".

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