"Well enough, I can not tell you much time."

"Can I ask you before I make a decision?"

Win sighed and nodded

"You can only ask if you want to know It's up to me whether I answer or not. "

"I just want to know Why do you want to have a baby with me? "

Win smiled and sat down on the sofa. Bright pointed to where to sit

"Sit down, too."

If you stop, you're sure you're here.

Bright sat down on the sofa in front of Win with curiosity

"Tell me."

"All right

I'll be married to you in two years and you are a boy, but unlike any other man you are the only one who can have children ………… .. My grandfather needed a man who could have children. "

"What has this got to do with me?"

"Yes, my grandfather wants to give him a present before he dies. The only gift he has is my child."

"Only 2 years"

"Yes, if you have a baby soon, you must be free."

Bright sighed. Actually, he didn't want to do it either, but Bright nodded in no way

"it works I'm going to have a baby for you "

"that's cool

"If I have a child, I will leave your life."

Speaking of Bright I kissed Bright on the forehead Go to Bright's Bright

I wiped away the place where win kissed. When I saw win, I got angry and bit his throat hard.

"Ah ... ah ... it's been a long time."

Win tortures Bright's neck within 5 minutes and releases the red spot on Bright's neck.

"You have to remember

"I'm going to be your husband. I have the right to kiss you. You have no right to deny anything in two years."

Bright said nothing and cried and grabbed his neck

"Stop crying and come with me."

"Where are you going? I will not go."

"Do you still want more pain than you?"

Bright did not dare to say anything and slowly followed behind Win. When he reached the parking lot, Win opened the car door.

"I forgot to tell you. My name is Win."

Bright nodded and got into the car. Win closed the car door and sat down in the driver's seat. He looked at Bright's face.

"Hey Bright, don't look at me that way.

"I'm like this"

"No, you have to have a happy face. If you want to be arrested, you must stay with me for the rest of your life."

Bright is scared

I quickly smiled at win

He brushed his hair with his bare hands. Win smiled and started his car


Now Win's grandfather has arrived. Bright eyes widen. The house is still a palace

It is very beautiful and bright. In front of the house, there are flowers and trees, it is very green and the decoration is falling.

win too The car door was opened for Bright. Bright got out of the car and did not even enter the house. He had never lived in a house as big as this one before. There used to be a big house I have never met him Bright sighed. Win hugged Bright's waist and led him into the house

When I got home It was very quiet. The maid brought down the water and Win made Bright sit on the sofa

"Don't you have an aunt?"

"The rich man is planting a tree in the backyard, sir."

"Then go and tell me I have something important to show."

His face was as white as blood

The housemaid nodded and hurried away. Bright was scared, so Win looked at Bright's face, wiped Bright's sweat, and kissed her on the forehead.

I knew he was scared

"What are you doing?"

"Kiss me .... do not be afraid of my grandfather, you must be comfortable so that my grandfather will not be suspicious."

Bright nodded He took a deep breath. After a while, Win's grandfather came in. Win ran and hugged his grandfather like a child. Grandpa kissed and hugged his grandson on the sofa.

He saw a baby, just as he had seen it before, and he thought it was the baby he loved the most

"Win, son, who is that?"

Win made his grandfather sit on the sofa, and Win sat down next to Bright and hugged Bright's waist

"His name is Bright ..... my son's lover"


"Yes, Grandpa wants to marry him."

"I'm getting married ... Did Win's son ask Bright how he felt? What about his father and mother?"

"Bright agrees. His father and mother are gone."

His grandfather was a little scared. He never heard from his father or mother

"Who is Bright living with now?"


"How can you like Win?"


"She loves her son as soon as he sees her."

Win interrupted Bright. Bright's eyes widened and his grandfather smiled

"Did N'win visit Grandpa too?"

At the sound of the West, Win and Grandpa turned around

Bright was looking at his phone when he saw his girlfriend texting

💬Where is my love?💬

💬Reply I want to tell you I want to marry you💬

💬I want to go and see Chit Lay with my family ...💬

💬If you love me, please reply 💬

💬I love you so much 💬

Although she was happy to read Bright, she typed Bright's letter that she really had to break her boyfriend's heart

🗨️I'm sorry, I want to tell you, let's break up.🗨️

Bright also saw a text message being sent near her. When Bright looked at her, she stopped and looked at her phone to find out that she was in pain.

"P'mew .... what happened? Sit down and tell P 'I'm getting married. This is my boyfriend."

When MeW turned his attention from the phone to Win, he saw the baby he loved so much. Mew burst into tears.

"We will get married soon. I will give birth to a small child for my grandfather."

Win smiled and Bright smiled a little. Mew just stared at him and Bright sat close to Win

"It's a pleasure"

"What does MeW have to say to Grandpa today?"

"In the beginning, I wanted to show my grandfather to my grandfather, but he had a new man and he broke up with me."

I said with tears in my eyes Win and his grandfather Sad with mew Bright Bright held back his tears to keep from crying with his girlfriend Suddenly he hugged me tightly tightly Bright was trying to push

"Pay like this"

Mew did not want to let Bright go free. He hugged her tightly and cried. Bright wanted to cry too. They hadn't seen mew in two years.

"I'm sorry"

Mew cried more

I hugged him tighter

(I feel sorry for MeW ... mew win's cousins ​​are not real brothers either ”)

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