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" UGHH this is gonna take forever

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" UGHH this is gonna take forever... "

ace groaned, peeling another chestnut and throwing it into the pile. he's been silently putting up with this for a while, but he began to notice how easier it was for the others since they had magic. " the faster you work, the faster it'll be done." trey chips in. ace barely mumbles an, "easy for you to say... " before glancing at lumi, who was standing beside him trying their best to peel the chestnuts with what little magic they had.

he huffs before getting back to work, lumi now glancing at his progress. they quickly look up at his face and notice the look of frustration. they turn back towards their pile and notice how even with magic, they're barely ahead of him. in an attempt to empathize with ace's situation, they release what magical energy they had and begin to peel the chestnuts themself.

" y'know, i bet i could peel these a hell of a lot faster than you. " they tease, hoping to spark some motivation within him. ace looks at them with an eyebrow raised, his expression quickly changing to a taunting grin, " yeah? don't you know i won the championship for chestnut peeling? you don't stand a chance. " lumi scoffs at his blatant lie, " oh really? since you're so good at it you shouldn't be complaining about how long it's taking. plus, i'm already ahead of you. "

" th-that's because you've been using magic! i'll get ahead of you in no time. "

" just peeled ten more during this conversation by the way. "

" seriously?! "


time passes by quickly and before they knew it, the apology tart was ready and stored away 'til the unbirthday party.

ramshackle dorm was now silent as everyone had fallen asleep. it was currently a little past midnight and one particular inhabitant was having trouble sleeping. lumi woke up a minute or two ago and has been trying to figure out what's preventing them from the activity they love to do most. after a moment of thinking, they finally realize what's stopping them from truly finding happiness.

they have to pee.

lumi steps off their bed and into the hallway to find the bathroom. after taking care of what they needed to do, and being sure to wash their hands thoroughly afterward, they decide to check up on ace to see if he's sleeping alright.

they head downstairs and into the living room where ace resided. walking over to the couch, they look down at him disapprovingly, noticing the way he was laying down and how it could worsen his neck pain. " he never listens to me, stupid asswipe... " they proceed to adjust his pillows in a way that could relieve the pain, careful to move then gently as to not wake him up.

lumi then moves their focus to his face. they stare, carefully yet hesitantly moving their hand to gently touch his cheek. then, a sudden wave of exhaustion takes over them. as if they were stuck in the one spot they were standing in, they take a seat right where they were, moving their hand away from his face. they fold their arms over the cushion of the couch and lie their head on top. after a few moments of silence, theyre off to sleep again.

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